Dr. Bradley Nelson – Conquering Emotional Eating and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Using The Body Code System

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

[include file=get-in-itunes.html] Dr. Bradley Nelson author of The Emotion Code joined us to talk more specifically about how to overcome emotional eating and chronic fatigue syndrome. In our culture food is associated with emotions of all kinds. We turn to comforting foods like ice cream and processed sugary carbohydrates during times of stress and emotional upheaval. The real problem here is not the food so much as the state we're in when we eat it as well as the real reason why we're craving something that's actually killing us. Aren't we humans strange? We want to consume the very thing that's going to cause us to cease to exist. Is it me or is that strange? It's one thing to eat poison knowing it's going to kill you in some kind of act of suicide. At least the person knows what they're doing. But in today's culture we have this strange addictive relationship with food. Because of the emotional addiction to unhealthy food, it's the emotional issue that must first be dealt with on an energetic level. And who better to have help us with this issue of emotional eating than Dr. Bradley Nelson himself? The subtleties are vast and amazing when it comes to food and emotional eating. Did you know that if your mom was pregnant with you and had an emotion of terror while she was eating peanut butter for example, then when (as a child) you experience that same emotional feeling, you could begin to manifest some kind of allergy to peanut butter? Emotional blockages can be passed down from generations of family from hundreds of years ago. Because everything is simply vibration there is no physical form that the energy in an emotional state is actually in. So this emotional blockage can be passed from mother to child with no degradation whatsoever. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is rampant in our culture and this issue has at its root (as does most disease in the body) emotional blockages in the body. Did you know that trapped emotions can actually change the position and shape of our physical internal organs? When you get rid of the trapped energetic emotions in your physical body, you'll start to notice big changes in your health and life. There are ways to release these emotions using The Emotion Code system as well as The Body Code System. According to Dr. Nelson all disease has 6 underlying causes. 1.) Pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus, mold, yeast) 2.) Misalignments (Lack of proper alignment of the body structure blocking meridians) 3.) Poor nutrition (Not enough vitamins, minerals, enzymes) 4.) Toxicity (Chemical exposure, plastics, chemtrails, smog etc) 5.) Poor circuitry (Blocked meridian systems) 6.) Lack of Energy (Not enough energy to promote healing and health) This was a fascinating interview with Dr. Nelson. We hope you enjoy it! After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think! We discuss the following and so much more: * What a heart wall is and how to remove it * How emotions block energy in the body and create disease * How we can know if we have a trapped emotion * How 90% of pain is caused by trapped emotions * How emotions play a role in sports injuries * The role of magnets in health and healing * How to use The Emotion Code for health, wealth and success * And so much more! Dr. Bradley Nelson explains how over 90% of pain and sickness is caused by trapped emotions...-

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