Dr. Lawrence Wilson – Why Fruit Is Too Yin, & How Nutritional Balancing Through Hair Testing Can Help You

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

[include file=get-in-itunes.html]Dr. Lawrence Wilson had our head spinning. Now after this show I'm even more thoroughly confused as to what we should be eating. Dr. Wilson talked about nutritional balancing through a unique hair testing analysis he does. It's interesting because he doesn't promote much dogma or give dietary platitudes. For example he says that fruit (among other foods and supplements) are too yin for the body and therefore unhealthy. He doesn't say that fruit itself is bad. It's only bad because our bodies are ALREADY too yin. He says the same thing with organ meats. Organs tend to concentrate toxins and are therefore unbalancing. It's not that they're inately unhealthy for us it's just that because animals are higher up on the food chain they might be eating grass or other plants that have been affected by chemtrails or nuclear fallout from Fukishima. Paleo people might say that too much raw food is unhealthy. Raw food advocates might argue that eating animal meat is not what we're designed for. Dr. Wilson's approach is unique in the it takes into account our toxic world before determining if food is healthy or unhealthy for you. Even if something is healthy but filled with toxins like mercury (like larger fish) he doesn't advocate it. We also discussed thoughts on yin foods and which foods they are and how yin foods affect the body. We talked a bit about sauna therapy, sweating and how much he advocates coffee enemas to promote optimum liver health and function. Dr. Lawrence Wilson is truly a fascinating guy. If you would like to schedule some hair analysis tests with him you can contact him on his website. I think it would be very fascinating to see where we're all at with our health. Remember that which doesn't get measured, doesn't get managed. I hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Lawrence Wilson. If you contact him for an appointment tell him we said hi! :) Can you believe eating too much fruit can be unhealthy? Nutritional Balancing expert Dr. Lawrence Wilson explains.. - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Commercials: - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.html] | All Shows With This Guest - Show Date:Monday 8/26/2013 - Show Guest:Dr. Lawrence Wilson - Guest Info: Dr. Lawrence Wilson works with nutritional balancing and has been doing so for over 30 years. He comes up with a specific protocol for people through a unique hair test he does.Read More... - Topic:Nutritional balancing, hair testing, enemas, cleansing,

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