Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Reveals How Stress & Fear Cause Cancer & What To Do About It

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

[include file=get-in-itunes.html] Today we had the honor and privilege of having Dr. Leonard Coldwell on our show. I've known about him for years and years and when we started this show, it was my intention to interview him as soon as we possibly could. But you know what they say, if you want something done, ask a busy man. Turns out Dr. Leonard Coldwell might be one of the busiest men ever. We originally got his contact information from the lovely Liana Werner Gray from The Earth Diet whom we interviewed many months ago. Dr. Leonard Coldwell doesn't take the conventional approach to cancer or anything else in life also! He makes some radical statements that perhaps some people won't want to hear. He says that cancer is caused by stress along with contributing negative emotions like fear, worry, anxiety, anger, sadness and depression. These low level emotional states have a direct affect on our biology as the great Dr. Bruce Lipton says in his book The Biology of Belief. Stress and negative energy directly affect how our cells and organs behave and function. As a result these organs are no longer able to function and detoxify themselves which over time according to Dr. Leonard Coldwell can result in cancer proliferating in the body. Personally I believe Dr. Coldwell is well ahead of his time and perhaps 50 or 100 years from now it will be a widely known recognized fact that stress indeed causes not only cancers but many other degenerative diseases also. If you're interested in any of the interviews we've done on energy medicine, stress and disease you can find them here. Since material matter makes up its form from invisible energy then we can start to see how energy is the underlying root factor of disease. Everything is energy, frequency and vibration. As Dr. Jerry Tennant says "healing is voltage." Because of this should we not focus on food and try to optimize our diet and nutrition? Absolutely not. You can't cure or prevent cancer and disease with only one tool in your tool belt. It does you not good if you're eating a diet of super foods, medicinal herbs, grass fed animal products and vegetable juices if you also have a negative attitude. Everything must work together. That's the new science of biology. Everything is working together as one single unit. So we like to talk about things like color therapy, sound therapy, positive affirmations, stress reduction and tie ideas like that into raw food nutrition, cleansing and detoxification. We need to use every tool imaginable if we're going to start reducing the cancer rate in our society. Personally I believe the root cause of disease is energetic. It's eating low vibrational foods, having low vibrational negative thinking and continuing in that downward spiral for whatever amount of time it takes for cancer to form in your body. So please listen to this show with Dr. Leonard Coldwell with an open mind and heart and be sure to pass this on to your friends!

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