Michelle LaMasa-Schrader – Recall Healing – The Emotional Spiritual Connection To Sickness & Disease

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

Michelle LaMasa-Schrader joined us today from Soul Tree Tranformations to talk about some of the deeper aspects of health and disease. She's studied the work of Dr. Pieter Dewet and Dr. Gilbert Renaud both of whom have been on our show (links are in the show notes below). We talked primarily about recall healing which might be something you haven't hear about yet. Basically it turns all sickness and disease around 180 degrees. Here are its claims, the tumor is the body trying to heal itself. The heart attack is your body's way of healing. The flu or cold you have, is the body in its healing phase. And with each sickness or disease our bodies encounter, there's an underlying emotional trauma and story that lies underneath it, which is actually the cause. That's completely opposite of modern medicine where they teach us that it's the germs that are killing us. The tumor must be destroyed and we must fight illness. Notice the military style language patterns with that line of thinking? It's not a coincidence. According to recall healing simply having the awareness of what's going on, is enough to cause the emotional spiritual to then trickle down into the lower vibration of the physical. A simple "Aha" moment can cause the physiology of the body to shift. Then it's up to us to keep that vibration so the healing can continue. Obviously I have no proof these this is the way it works but it does make a lot of sense. If this is all true, a case can be made that all sickness and disease is emotional in nature and can be healed with awareness and spiritual exercise. Before you write this all off, I'd highly encourage you to watch or listen to the show above and hear all the anecdotal stories Michelle Strader shares in her work and the work of others. It's kind of hard to deny. I don't know if all sickness is caused by deeper issues but I do know that in order to completely heal, one must work on many different levels, not just physical. People don't like to dig deeper because it brings up many issues contained in their unconscious. It's easier to drink wheat grass juice than it is to face your deepest fears and do deep emotional and spiritual work to heal on a physical level. I suspect there is something to this type of integrated healing. Along with recall healing there are other emotional spiritual healing methods like family constellation therapy, Gestalt exercises, timeline therapy, hypnosis, meditation, writing letters to your subconscious mind, neuro linguistic programming, emotional freedom technique (aka Tapping) and many more. The list above is just scratching the surface of everything that's available. It's not even getting into vibration remedies, energy medicine, sound therapy, color therapy or even sacred plant medicines. Often times people will email me telling me they have tried every healing method possible. I can say that most people haven't. The world is filled with so much new and cutting edge information to heal on many levels. Recall healing is especially interesting because one doesn't need to focus on colon cleanses, herbs or homeopathy. Although, personally I would stack the odds in your favor if you're on a path to healing your body. Just remember that healing the emotions, letting go of fear and doubt is huge for healing no matter which avenue you take. Recall healing is really fascinating to me and I think it can be powerful for your own journey. Take a listen to Michelle LaMasa-Schrader and let us know what you think. Comment below or using the hashtage #ehr429!

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