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Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

[include file=get-in-itunes.html]On today's Free For All Friday show Kate and I had a good time discussing many different topics related to health, stress and well being. We have such a fun time on these shows. I hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoy recording them. :) We've been getting lots of email in lately from people asking what we do on a daily basis to stay healthy. As a result we figured we should devote a whole Free For All Friday show to answer some of those questions. It's funny health is our default setting. It's our natural birth right. It takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication to create sickness and disease in the body. When you're sick of if you're working with (not battling or fighting - we never "fight" disease, we work with it for the best and most beneficial outcome) disease you obviously have much more work ahead of you than if you're relatively healthy. If you already have health then it's very easy to stay just as healthy or create what I like to call invincible immunity. It's kind of like keeping your feet warm in the winter when you're in the house. Once you walk around with no socks on and your feet get cold, it's really hard to warm them up again. It's possible but it takes a lot of work. As long as you keep them warm it's easy to keep doing so. It's the same with health. Don't wait until you have to go to the doctors office and get some diagnosis. Don't wait until you feel the lump in your breast or in your armpit. DON'T WAIT. Realize that given enough time (assuming you stay on the standard American diet) disease, sickness and illness WILL find you. Again it's almost a default setting. With fast food, processed foods and their associated GMO's, chemicals, pesticides and herbicides you will get a diagnosis. You reap what you sow. Sow sickness today, reap the diagnosis tomorrow. Most of the things we talked about in today's show are super easy to do. They take very little time or even effort (how hard is it to put 4 dropper fulls of a liquid into an ounce of water and drink it 3 times per day?) and can help you achieve incredible levels of energy, vitality and long term health. Workout I like to workout and lift weights in the gym in order to stay strong and fit. So I talk about my current workout schedule. Sauerkraut Kate and I love to make sauerkraut for all the anti cancer benefits as well as the enzymes and probiotic qualities of this fermented food. If you want to learn how to make it you can check this out if you're interested. Mushroom tea I like to make a reishi, chaga, rosemary, pine needle, goji berry tea and keep that cool in the refrigerator for the base of my smoothies. It adds a nice medicinal element to my drinks. You can get many of these herbs here. Tooth care Since all disease begins in the mouth according to many holistic doctors keeping good care of our teeth is very important and really easy. We brush with baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and sea salt. Rebound Rebounding is great to cleanse the lymphatic system and build bone density. I jump for at least 10 minutes each day. We recommend the Bellicon if you'r...

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