Ty Bollinger – Mammograms & Bras Can Cause Breast Cancer, The Quest For The Cure Free Docu-Series Is Launching Soon,The Dangers of Aspartame & More!

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

Check out and purchase my individual health protocols here >> This was Ty's 3rd time on our show. Kate and I like to refer to him as our natural cancer resident. He's amazingly knowledgable and has a heart to help people wake up! You see we've all been duped and sold a bill of goods when it comes to cancer or any other disease. We're taught that chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are the only viable ways to treat cancer. Even the word treat puts the focus on getting rid of the symptoms and not the overall cause. The other way we're duped in our culture is to treat (assuming that's the correct term) the tumor instead of assisting the body to heal. If you have cancer, how do you think you were able to live your life up until now without dying from the disease? Did you have chemotherapy your whole life and that's what has kept you alive until now? Of course not. It's not like your body is lacking cancer causing chemicals that are supposedly supposed to heal you. You were able to live cancer free your whole life because you had a healthy immune system. What Ty talks about is restoring the body, cleaning it out through specific cleansing and detoxification protocols and giving it super nutrients to it can heal by itself. Nothing cures cancer, only our own bodies can do that. He talks all about how to overcome cancer in his groundbreaking book called Cancer Step Outside The Box and now he's working on a brands new Docu-series (I called it a summit during the show and for that I apologize!) which begins 4 days from now called The Truth About Cancer, The Quest For The Cures. When we met Ty for a green juice I could really tell that his heart is to help people. Ultimately he wants to wake people up to know they've been lied to and they have options. We also talked extensively about how mammograms and bras can cause cancer. He mentioned Syd Singer who talks a lot about these subjects. This is why we recommend all women start wearing organic clothing free of chemical colorings that don't restrict your lymphatic system. There's a company called Ohganix that makes lots of great underwear options for people. Speaking of the lymphatic system we highly recommend rebounding for 20 minutes per day for that. It might be the healthiest exercise known to man because not only does it cleanse and detoxify your lymphatic system (where your body stores toxins, chemicals and poisons) but it also helps to build bone density if done on a regular basis. We also spent some time talking about the powerful healing qualities of hemp and how we can use help in our daily lives to not only treat cancer if we already have it but also to prevent cancer. Just remember, hemp doesn't heal cancer, only the body does. I want to make that clear. All of these things are simply tools that God has endowed us with in order to overcome the diseases of modern times. It was awesome to speak with Ty about the 3 types of cancers that actually do respond to chemotherapy and radiation. Can you believe it?

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