Wolfram Alderson – How Sugar Causes Weight Gain, Cancers, Diabetes, Heart Attacks & What To Do About It

Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Een podcast door Justin Stellman

Wolfram Alderson was the featured guest today and we talked about one of the many dangers of sugar. Did you know that we spend 1.4 trillion dollars per year on doctor's visits and hospital visits for diet related issues that are completely reversible? Sugar is a poison and a drug. Actually all food is a drug. It's much like homeopathy. All food can be good for you or bad for you depending on the right homeopathic dilution. People have died by drinking too much water. Sounds crazy but water is essential for life but also ended up killing that person. A point many people don't realize is that sugar doesn't just consist of candy, soft drinks, cookies, cake, and other sweet treats but it's also in bread, crackers, pasta cereals and more. All white flour and grains contain massive amounts of indigestible grains and tons of carbohydrates that spike sugar levels in the body. One point I made during the show is that the body only should have about 2 tea spoons of sugar (I can't remember if it's glucose or fructose after it gets metabolized by the pancreas) in all of the blood in our entire body. So if you eat 5 or 6 teaspoons of sugar it can deal with the first 2 teaspoons but what happens to the other 3 or 4 teaspoons of sugar during that one meal? Then what happens when you consume that same amount of sugar 3 or 4 hours later? It starts creating massive inflammation in the blood and organs. Arteries get microscopic tears or fissures on the inside and then your body has to create cholesterol to patch up those internal tears. It ruins the pancreas and brain and feeds cancer. Nothing ages you faster than eating a diet high in sugar. Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE. Commercials During This Episode: * Commercial #1 - Increase Energy with Qigong * Commercial #2 - Get free shipping on your Vitamix * Commercial #3 - Clean Your Air of Chemicals * Commercial #4 - Create Quick Tasty Raw Food * Commercial #5 - Sweat out toxins in a FAR Infrared Sauna Find Extreme Health Radio On: [include file=showpage-itunes-soundcloud-stitcher.html] Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! Other Shows: [include file=show-links.html] Listen to other shows with this guest. Show Date: Monday 3/16/2015 Show Guest: Wolfram Alderson Guest Info: Lifetime focus on human and environmental health with 35 years of distinguished nonprofit experience. Show Topic: sugar, glucose, fructose, candida, diabetes, cancer, cholesterol, heart attacks, poison Guest Website(s): http://www.responsiblefoods.org Social Websites: Facebook

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