66. Sabrina Little: Exploring the Why... with a PhD Philosopher
For The Long Run: Exploring the Why Behind Running - Een podcast door Jonathan Levitt - Vrijdagen
This episode is with Sabrina Little! Sabrina is a wife, a soon to be mother, philosopher, and a professional runner. In this episode, we dug into the exploration of Why. Not just Sabrina’s Why, but the process in general. We also talked about: -doing the work, and her love of the process -how suffering plays a part of a flourishing life -her ability to persevere -why she started running -what’s next after taking racing out of the equation -her PhD program -trails and life as a pro runner -telling her sponsors about being pregnant -her upcoming journey into motherhood -an epic mistake in her first ultra -more about the Why! Follow along with Sabrina’s adventures at twitter.com/beaninsneakers, https://www.instagram.com/mrs.little_engine_that_could