5639 Death by Entropy!

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux - Een podcast door Stefan Molyneux

Stefan answers listener questions!"How quickly into your first interaction with a girl can you determine how compatible you will be with each other? Is it how she receives you? Like you can make her smile and laugh and she receives you well? She has open body language and wants eye contact? Is it something that’s judged in the first interaction or something that can be felt out over time? Thank you for your time.""Why ducks? I won't be able to sleep or consider any universal abstractions until I know!"Here is my theory."Premise 1: Stef is bald."Premise 2: Ducks lay eggs."Premise 3: Bald heads look like eggs. Especially bald caucasian heads which might be spotted in old age."Premise 4: Women have a maternal drive to protect and bond with fragile young creatures."Conclusion: Stef could have chosen puppies, or kittens as pets for his daughter, but those were lacking philosophically! Why, you ask?"Stef chose ducks so that his daughter would subconsciously transfer her maternal instincts that she developes for the eggs towards Stef, whose head when freshly shaved is reminiscent of a duck egg."While proposing that love is our involuntary response to virtue, Stef's secret mission is for love to be an involuntary response to egg like heads, thereby allowing him to have more persuasive power with female audiences who control sexual access. His daughter is the first test case for this before he scales it to the wider population."DEBUNK ME BRO!""How do you select employees? I'm interested in how you ensure they are moral to avoid hiring fat people to write recipes for a diet book so to speak. What level of immoral/unethical/unprofessional behaviour would lead to you firing them?""Can you give some examples/strategies to contradict people in public to expose their true nature/character?""Moral frameworks are intrinsically social because they rely on social acceptance and enforcement. When a new moral framework is conceived, it has to overthrow an existing moral framework, and if the adherents of the old framework aren't happy to be labelled as evil or lacking morally, they will fight the new framework tooth and nail. Does this mean that introducing a new moral framework requires a compromise on some issues in order for it to even have the chance of being widely adopted?"This is like a presidential candidate compromising some of his stances on particular issues in order to be more acceptable to the public. Or as you’ve once said, ‘Are there any public philosophers who aren’t fighting one evil while appeasing another one?’ Even with the abolition of slavery, the racial discrimination continued through state power."I understand that philosophy is more for the future than the present. I'm just curious how a philosophical movement survives the test of time when it relies on people in order for it to get to the future. We only see the successful religions for example, but we don't see all the religions that failed to gain traction, and a part of me wonders if there is more to morality than providing a rational proof, especially since the means of transmission is social."I understand you haven't stopped at a rational proof either, and have applied it to many facates such parenting, relationships, psychology and history. I also struggle to consider what could be compromised on here without losing something essential about UPB and NAP which is their universality. But at the same time, I have doubts about the future success of these ideas.""Am I a bad person if I've lost interest in maintaining a relationship with my best friend after she told me she has feelings for me?""What are your thoughts on the biblical story of Job? Many atheists see God being a jerk.""Stef, in one podcast, you said that entrepreneurship is a young person's game. What would a life path look like for a male entrepreneur?""Twitter is ablaze because people are getting people fired who are proving for and calling for the murder of Trump.""You've helped me understand so many giant topics of importance, economics, morality, history, logic, and so on. It's been absolutely transformational for me as I'm seeing embracing reality is paramount. It sounds silly, but it's almost as if you figured it all out. What are some other yet unknown areas of importance you are researching at the moment, if any? Do you ever feel like you've already come to the truth about everything?""What type of shows do you enjoy creating the most?"GET MY NEW BOOK 'PEACEFUL PARENTING', THE INTERACTIVE PEACEFUL PARENTING AI, AND AUDIOBOOK!https://peacefulparenting.com/Join the PREMIUM philosophy community on the web for free!Also get the Truth About the French Revolution, the interactive multi-lingual philosophy AI trained on thousands of hours of my material, private livestreams, premium call in shows, the 22 Part History of Philosophers series and much more!See you soon!https://freedomain.locals.com/support/promo/UPB2022

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