GRP 53-VetTV, Donny O’ Malley, USMC
Global Recon - Een podcast door John Hendricks

GRP 53- Co-hosting for today's podcast is British Army Combat Medic Chantel Taylor. On for this podcast is retired USMC veteran Donny O'Malley. Donny is a combat veteran and has created VetTV. "VET Tv will be a streaming television network that functions exactly like Hulu or Netflix. It will be filled with all the shows that you’ve joked about with your buddies since the day you joined. We make shows that accurately recreate the post 9/11 veteran experience and we do it in the most realistic, offensive, and hilarious way possible. To fill up this network with shows that you want to see, we need your support and your vote, because if we don't fund this network, no one will." The deadline for the Kickstarter campaign to make you pledge will end tomorrow night Wednesday, Nov 16th. This is the first time ever a platform like this has been created so I highly encourage all of the shows listeners, and my followers on social media to contribute to this campaign. The link to do so will be accessible by clicking the post link below. Here is an excerpt from the episode. John: Donny you've recently retired from the Marine Corps, but you've got a lot going on with jumping into starting this company. Can you talk about your time in? Donny O' Malley: I joined on January 09 and got out in 2015. I joined when I was 25. It made for a very different experience for me as a Marine and as an Officer. I was coming into a very battle-hardened, salty, seasoned Marine Corps. All of the way down to the fucking Supply Clerks who were in convoys getting into firefights and blown up. Everybody had been to war. Coming into that was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I respected everybody. I was honored to walk into such a battle hardened Marine Corps. I wouldn't say I'm all hardcore battle hardened. I will say that I was never phased by my combat experiences. I was meant to do that job. Meant to go to war. I felt the happiest and content that I've ever felt in my life was in the midst of combat. Till this day I feel like I would never have that feeling again.