Why Focusing Too Much on Your Symptoms is Making Them Worse

You get to choose HOW you respond to symptoms. Don't let them drag you into places that shut your life down.Give what you need to your health, but give most of your energy to all the things that light you up and forge you forwards into the life you want. That life is waiting for you!

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Trailblazing psychotherapy to calm the whole farm; mind, emotions and gut.IBS, IBD, gut symptoms, gut disorders, SIBO, low FODMAP, elimination diets, chronic stress and anxiety…Happy Inside attends to the psychological, emotional and behavioural aspects of gut disorders and chronic illness; old wounds, life misalignments, the fear, anxiety and stress around symptoms, the hypervigilence, the limitations, restrictions and impacts these are having on your life - all those conversations you’ve been waiting to have are happening right here. I hear you and you’re not alone. This is often the one aspect missing from your treatment interventions and resolution of symptoms, but guess what, you’ve found me and I’m right here for you. The reality is, stress and anxiety are biologically designed to affect your gut, so here you will find all the concepts, strategies and insights from 12 years of clinical experience as a gut focused psychotherapist so we can ensure this is not your continued story. You deserve a rich and fulfilled life where you are happy on the inside and out.Gut focused and embodied psychotherapist, Michelle White. https://happyinside.com.au