Here's A Rare Recording From Gary C. Halbert A Marketing Legend In The Direct Response Mail Order Business

If you are unfamiliar with Gary Halbert, you are in for a treat. This guy is my favorite marketing instructor on the subjects of direct mail and how to write killer advertising copy. He delivers marketing information in a powerful style, without all the BS. Gary's pre-1994 material is hard to find. Jay Abraham has done several joint ventures with Gary so I have run across a lot of his work. Go to my Products page to see which Gary Halbert programs I have available. How much would you pay to attend a Gary Halbert seminar? Here is a recording from a Group M Marketing seminar in Hot Springs, Arkansas, put on by Bill Myers in the early 1990s. This is an exclusive interview from Michael Senoff at

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Tap the brains of some of the greatest masters of writing of all time including Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Denny Hatch, Melvin Powers, Mike Pavlish, Carl Galletti, Brian Keith Voiles, Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale, Bob Bly, Ben Settle, Eugene Schwartz and more and cut years off your education right now!