HHHK 304: Navigating the Coronavirus with Kale Brock - Part 2
Health, Happiness & Human Kind - Een podcast door Steph Lowe - Woensdagen

In today’s episode Kale and I take a closer look at the coronavirus pandemic and the truths that have emerged since we released part one earlier this year. This is not a conversation of personal opinion but research from some of the world’s leading scientists, epidemiologists and virologists. You are entitled to disagree but I do urge you to please check your sources as both the mainstream media and online fact checkers are simply not reliable sources of information. If you would like to learn more, I have COVID highlights, saved on my Instagram page where I have been sharing the science of COVID-19 this year. Please note: this episode was recorded at the end of September, however all is still extremely relevant to this day. Visit https://www.stephlowe.com/podcasts/304 for show notes, episode transcripts and more.