The Fox Sisters (a haunted history)

In 1848, the Fox family prepared to go to bed as usual, but the darkness was punctuated by mysterious rapping noises for which they could find no source. Through hours of terrified questioning, they eventually discovered that it was the ghost of a peddler murdered by a previous resident. Or so the story goes. . . Kate, Maggie, and Leah Fox became the most famous mediums of 19th century America, giving rise to the worldwide movement of Spiritualism and leading thousands about thousands of their fellow Victorians to seek comfort and answers from their beloved dead. Were they really in touch with spirits from the other side? Or were they master deceivers? Or something else? Listen to find out! Happy Halloween! Visit the website ( for sources, transcripts, and pictures. I will also be at Intelligent Speech on November 4th. Get your tickets here: Support the show on my Patreon page for bonus episodes, polls, and a general feeling of self-satisfaction. Or make a one-time donation on Buy Me a Coffee. Join Into History ( for a community of ad-free history podcasts plus bonus content. Visit Evergreen Podcasts to listen to more great shows. Follow me on Twitter (X) as @her_half. Or on Facebook or Instagram as Her Half of History. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Why don't women's clothes have more pockets? Who are the female writers and artists my education forgot to include? How does a woman go about seizing control of her government? What was it like to be a female slave and how did the lucky ones escape? When did women get to put their own name on their credit cards? Is the life of a female spy as glamorous as Hollywood has led me to believe? In short, what were the women doing all that time? I explore these and other questions in this thematic approach to women's history.