6 Habits to HEAL Your Feminine Energy. (dismantling the mother wound)

In life, some experiences wound our feminine energy, forcing us into hyper-masculinity. Having a toxic or emotionally damaging relationship with your mother can deeply impair your ability to embrace and express your innate feminine energy. This video provides a compassionate guide for healing that maternal wound and reclaiming your divine feminine essence. The key tips covered include: 1. Release the "struggle mindset" 2. Stop associating your value with your productivity 3. Stop trying to prove yourself 4. Make self-nurturing a priority 5. Know when to leave 6. Have fun and integrate playfulness into your life Reclaim your birthright and blossom into your most vibrant, empowered expression. Checkout my tiktok: @natalieetched - also my instagram @mylifeasetch business inquires: [email protected]

Om Podcasten

Improvement for Imbeciles is a podcast designed specifically for young adults who are still in the process of figuring themselves out. The host, Natalie discusses varying perspectives on personal development, offering practical advice and guidance to help listeners navigate the confusion and uncertainty of this transformative stage of life. With a focus on self-improvement, the podcast delves into topics such as self-discovery, identity, and purpose.