Beata Heuman – Inside the Studio: Making every room sing with unique design

Inredningspodden med Johanna Hulander - Een podcast door Acast


Welcome to Inredningspodden, the podcast for inspiration in interior design, design and architecture focusing on the Nordic countries. I am Johanna Hulander, after many years as a communications manager I took the leap 13 years ago to start my own journey as a communication and marketing consultant and journalist, based here in Sweden. In this season´s first episode I am visiting Swedish-born Interior Designer Beata Heuman.She is running an award-winning design studio with international projects all over the world and she also creates her own interior collection available in her online “Shoppa”. Two years ago we recorded in Swedish in Stockholm. This time I am visiting her at her studio in Hammersmith and the interview is held in English for all international listeners. Since last time her growing studio has moved into an amazing building at 188 Hammersmith. In this special English episode we dive into her design philosophy, renovation and some specific projects. Welcome to the Interior podcast!Would you like to receive a weekly dose of inspiration in your inbox? Every Friday, I send out Fredagsbrevet , my personal selection of interior design, architecture and creative inspiration – Plus exclusive insights from the podcast! Perfect for anyone who loves interior, quality and sustainable solutions.And for creative entrepreneurs: On November 29th, I am launching my new digital course in Swedish Sales and Marketing for Small Business Owners. Learn how to increase your visibility and attract the right clients with smart, budget-friendly strategies. Don´t miss your chance to join! Follow the podcast @inrednings_podden in Swedish and in Englist @theinteriorpodcast. For the Swedish listeners there is a newsletter Följ Inredningspodden på Instagram: @inrednings_podden @theinteriorpodcast Följ Johanna Hulander på Instagram @johanna_hulander Facebook: @inredningspodd. Kontakt via [email protected] och Instagram. I arkivet finns drygt 200 avsnitt. Inredningspodden med mig Johanna Hulander tar upp olika ämnen inom inredning, design och arkitektur. Det kan vara allt från konst, färgsättning, inredning eller trädgård. DELA AVSNITT DU GILLAR, GE BETYG I DIN PODD-LYSSNARE OCH TIPSA GÄRNA OM VILKEN GÄST DU VILL HÖRA I KOMMANDE AVSNITT!#inredningspodden#arkitektur#inredning#design#johannahulander#inredningspodden Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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