Joe Vitale Podcast Unity FM Interview with Mindy Audlin

Joe Vitale Podcast


Hello Everyone!

Well i have to say we are still enjoying incredible weather here in the Austin Area..that is compared to some of you folks in the Northern parts of the USA and Canada. Lots of snow and WOW has it been cold there. i talked to one Gentleman today in Canada who said it had hit -24 below zero last night where he lived

So today i will send you another Podcast that will warm you from the inside out.

I have always had a warm spot in my heart for the Unity Church. I even speak at them i did in Maui a few months ago and here in Austin as well.

Today i get to be interviewed by Mindy Audlin from Unity FM.

She does a fantastic Job of getting that "little bit more" out of me.

I hope you enjoy this interview as much as i enjoyed doing it.

Here is a little bit about Mindy and her link:

Mindy Audlin is the Network Producer for Unity.FM and the host of The Unity Radio Hour. A Licensed Unity Teacher and former spiritual leader, Mindy now brings the Unity message worldwide through the power of the internet.
Thanks again for listening...and all of our cold listeners..please be safe and WARM!

