Believers are testimonies and proclamations of eternal life.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

1 John 1:2 and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us- Welcome to today’s Live to Love Scripture encouragement. I’m Norm Wakefield, and honored to have you tune in today for encouragement from God’s Word. Today, we’re reading and considering 1 John 1:2. “And the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us.” The life of Jesus, eternal life, the living Word of Life could not remain invisible. By His nature, He had to be manifested. Jesus, being a person—not an idea, not a figment of someone’s imagination, not a phantom or ghost—in union with the Father, God, was manifested in the history of mankind. John, and those with him who saw Jesus testify or bear witness to the quality of life in Jesus. With their own eyes and ears they saw and heard Jesus talk with Moses and Elijah in the heavenly realm. They heard the Father, God, declare audibly from heaven to earth, His love for Jesus. God called Jesus, His Son. Jesus referred to Himself as “I Am.” The name of eternal life. And most of all, they saw Jesus killed and buried and raised to life. His life is indestructible. They saw Him. They couldn’t remain silent about the revelation of the eternal life in Jesus. This letter is one proclamation they made that Jesus is life which was with the Father in eternity and revealed in the body of a man in this world. There’s no one like Him in the entire history of the world. Round up all the names of founders of religions, prophets, and earthly gods, and you’ll not find one who or which has has anyone to testify or proclaim them to have eternal existence. They all entered into time and space at some point and exited at another. They were all created by God or by men. Not so with Jesus. Eternal life—uncreated, with no beginning and no end—manifested to John and his fellow disciples. Only eternal life could atone for all sins, once and for all. Only eternal life could bring us to God for eternity. Only eternal life could conquer sin and death. Only eternal life could create the world and work out His glory through all things from day one to the end of the world. And what does that eternal life look like when manifested in this world? It looks like the love of God revealed in the life He lived on the earth in those very short 33 years, culminated in His laying down His life so we might have eternal life dwelling in our bodies for the glory of God. Those who live to love with Jesus are testimonies and proclamations of eternal life, which was with the Father and revealed in them.

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