Built by God, for God.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 3:4 For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. Perhaps you are familiar with the story of Sir Isaac Newton, who designed a model of our solar system, and a fellow astronomer who was an atheist and came other visit him. From Newton’s plans, a very skilled craftsman build the model. The balls representing the planets were all geared together so that when a crank was turned, they all moved in their orbits around the sun. One day his friend visited Sir Isaac Newton, saw the model, and immediately recognized what it was. He said, “This is tremendous! Who made it?” Newton replied, “Nobody.” His friend turned to him with a confused look and said, “You must not have heard me. I asked, ‘Who made this wonderful model?’” Looking up, Newton said with a perfectly straight face, “Nobody made it. Those balls and gears just appeared and put themselves together!” His friend, now quite upset, said, "You must think I'm a fool! Of course somebody made this! He's a genius, and I'd like to meet him!” Newton’s reply stunned and convicted his friend. “This model is just a poor imitation of our wonderful universe. You know the laws and the precise order which govern our universe. I can't seem to convince you that this model, this toy, does not have a designer or a maker. However, you have said many times that the solar system, which this model represents, ‘just happened.’ Now tell me, is that the logical conclusion of a scientist?” His friend eventually believed in Jesus. Remember what the author said in chapter 2, verse 10? Speaking of God, he wrote, “for whom are all things, and through whom are all things.” Then in verse 11, he said that both Jesus and us “are all from one Father.” As sons and daughters of God, we are God’s house being built by Jesus Christ for His glory and honor. It should be self-evident that the church’s existence, geared together in love, cannot be explained naturally anymore than Newton’s model could be. By design, the church is a visible model of the interrelated individual members moving and functioning in their orbits around Jesus. It is love that makes His church go round. Now tell me, isn’t that a logical conclusion? Living to love with Jesus is the way the Maker designed the house to function. We are built by God, for God.

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