Confidence in the power and purpose of God.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Paul had been pointing his readers to the hope of glory that we can be sure is coming because of the intercession of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are of the same mind as they pray—they ask the Father for His will to be done in our lives. So we can have great confidence and encouragement to hope in God because we have effective intercession on our behalf. And we have more! We can draw even more confidence in the fact that God has a wonderful purpose for our lives—to live with Jesus and be conformed to His image for the glory of God. This verse is foundational to living to love with Jesus. If Jesus lives in us, then we have His mindset or worldview to help us process all of life’s circumstances and relationships. Three foundational truths summarize Jesus’ worldview. I’m presenting them however from our perspective. 1. There is one God from whom all thing come , and He is love. 2. Jesus is enough. His love satisfies the deepest desires of my soul. 3. God’s purpose in all things is to glorify God by making me like Jesus and preparing me for eternity. The third truth obviously comes from Rom. 8:28. We know we are being prepared for the Great Day, the last day, that day when we are glorified with Jesus at His second coming. God is preparing us for that day by causing all things to work together for good in the lives of all who love Him and have been called according to God’s purpose. Paul stated God’s purpose in the next verse, namely, to be conformed to the image of His Son. As God’s children who are loved in Christ, we have confidence that nothing can happen to us that isn’t for our good. Remember, I’ve defined God’s love as the sustained direction of the will toward the highest good of another, no matter what the cost. What is our highest good that God causes everything in our lives to work toward? We will unpack more about that tomorrow, but for now, consider that it is our highest good, to find our supreme satisfaction in the love of God through Jesus Christ. Jesus’ highest good, was to be supremely satisfied in His Father’s love and will. When we don’t trust that God is working in love toward our highest good—to find Him to be our all—we will live in bitterness toward God and others when difficulties rise or conflicts occur. We can always have confidence in God’s power and purpose for us. We have been called to glorify the Son of God by loving Him above all and finding our deepest satisfaction in life in Him. Love flows out of that fullness. So remember, no matter what happens today, you know God is using it to give you an opportunity to glorify God, find your fullness in Christ, and reveal His life and love. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.

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