Don’t put a stumbling block in a brother’s way.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way. I love that God has clearly told us the way of love when it comes to relating to one another in the body of Christ. In light of what we have been reading and meditating on in Romans 14, Paul told the Romans and the Holy Spirit tells us, don’t judge one another on issues that are not clearly defined in the Scriptures, and make it your aim, your goal to not hinder your brother as he lives for the Lord nor create an occasion where he might stumble over what you are doing. It’s clear. Stay out of his way as long as He is doing what he believes pleases His Lord. That is the highest good for your brother. That’s what love does. God’s love is the sustained direction of the will toward the highest good of another, no matter what the cost, in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. We are living to love with Jesus, so that’s the kind of love He has for our brother. Perhaps today, God will put someone in your path who has become convinced that to please His Lord, he is not to drink wine, so consequently when he drinks at a meal, he orders iced tea and gives thanks to God. You on the other hand, are free to drink wine, giving God thanks for the grapes that God made and the wine derived from them. However, you know that your brother once was an alcoholic, and that it could be a stumbling block to him if you ordered wine. Not so much that he would think less of you, but that he might be tempted to order wine, thinking he might be more acceptable to you. The loving thing to do before ordering wine might be to ask if your drinking wine would be tempting to him. If he says, “Yes,” then you order something else. If he says, “No,” then you’re free to order the wine. And if to please you, he changes his mind and starts to order wine, you would lovingly suggest the he not order wine. You encourage him to stick with what he knows pleases the Lord. That’s an example of not judging your brother and being determined not to get in his way as he walks out the faith God has given him with regarding what he can and cannot drink. You’ll have to perhaps resist the thought that your brother is legalistic or being overly religious, and your brother will need to resist thinking that you are not sold out to Jesus. That’s the kind of judgment we are to flee from. I suggest that if your purpose in life is to live to love with Jesus, you’ll take into consideration these things when faced with similar circumstances. “Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way.” Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.

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