Enjoy God’s family!

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

1 John 3:1 See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are. For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. We are encouraged today by the great love that the Father bestows on those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ—they practice righteousness. I hope that is you! Those born of God delight in having God as their father, and it is a great love given to us that we are known as His children because that’s what we are! The children of God know each other because they have the same Father, experience the same love through Jesus, and have His life—the same spiritual DNA—dwelling within them. The strands of Jesus’ DNA is love—love for the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit, and everyone in Jesus’ body. The entire family of God revolves around the glory of the Father revealed in His firstborn Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, the children of God are Christ-conscious and focused on Him. That’s why the children of God are known for their love (John 13:35; 15:8; 1 John 4:8). Being children of God is the source of their identity and existence. Living with Jesus is their way of life, the satisfaction of their souls, and their eternal hope. How great a love the Father has bestowed on them! As John wrote in this verse, the world does not know the children of God because they have a different DNA, a different father. They are known for their love of the world and the things in the world. If one were to visit this family, they would immediately recognize that they love their lives in this world more than anything else—they live to love the world. That love, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life is their spiritual DNA—from the seed of their first birth by their father, the devil. Everyone in the family of the world is self-conscious and self-focused. Their identity is determined by the things they have in this world and the significance and happiness they derive from them. Happiness in this world is their greatest goal, the subject of their discussions, and the treasure that they seek. Those of the family of the world do not know or understand the children of God. So what is today’s encouragement? I hope it is clear from what I’ve said. If you have been born of God, you know He has bestowed a great love upon you—Because Jesus is righteous and lives in you, you practice righteousness. His love moves you to share His love with the rest of His family. As you share His love together, you know the Father and the Son better, and you know each other better as well. I encourage you to enjoy His family today—and everyday.

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