Faith and patience inherit the promises

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 6:15 And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise. Abraham looked to the character of God to fulfill what He promised until the day he died. That’s what faith looks like. As we all know, it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Abraham. He had his weak moments, like we all do. We know there was a time when Abraham didn’t wait patiently. It was when he was unbelieving and took his eyes off of God’s character and word. In the hardness of his heart, he decided not to wait upon the Lord. He thought he could bring about the blessing and multiplication of his seed in his own strength and means. We know how that turned out. It didn’t go well.  But that didn’t stop God from being faithful to Abraham. The promise wasn’t based on Abe’s faithfulness but on God’s own character, upon God’s faithfulness. At some point in the journey, Abraham became patient. The Genesis account tells us that he had to wait another 14 years after the birth of Ishmael to receive the child of promise, Isaac. So Abraham obtained the promised child, but he died without seeing the promised multiplication fulfilled. It is still being fulfilled and won’t be completed until every person in view when God made the promise comes to faith in Christ.  The author’s intention was to encourage his readers to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus and the faithfulness of God like Abraham did. Also, he was encouraging them to patiently endure to the end of their lives to receive the reward promised in Christ to those who seek Him diligently through Jesus. He had told them what it meant to seek Him, it was to continually draw near to the throne of grace through the storms of life. It was to hold fast to the gospel hope in Christ Jesus.  The Holy Spirit inspired the author to write those words with us in view today. God’s inspired word is timeless, living, and active. It shows where God is working as the word is read or heard. It’s happening right this moment as we listen to or read these words. The Spirit is encouraging us to inherit the promises through faith and patience, just like Abraham did. God has given us another day to glorify Him by showing our love for His name by trusting Him and loving with Jesus. One day at a time. Besides the final day, this is the only day for sure that we know we have to show our love for His name. May we live at the throne of grace today, receiving the faith and patience we need until we inherit the promises with Abraham.

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