In hope against hope, we love.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 4:18 In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, "So shall your descendants be.” What are the chances that you (or anyone for that matter) could stand before God with no violations to your account and a record of perfect righteousness? The chances are the same that Abraham and Sarah could have a son, much less he become a father of many nations. Impossible! Out of the question! Hopeless! But God did something in Abraham and Sarah that was beyond common sensible from a human perspective. They were beyond the age when human beings are capable of having children. Paul says here, though, that in hope, Abraham believed against all hope, that not only would he finally have a son with Sarah but that God would keep the promise to make him the father of many nations. God counted that faith in His promise as righteousness. How about you? God promises that you will be an heir of eternal life and stand before Him without blemish or spot marring your righteousness. You look at yourself, and what do you conclude? That’s impossible. But then you think, “But God said it’s possible. I hope He will do it, because if He doesn’t, there’s no way. I perish in my sins.” All hope is gone as you look at the reality of your sins, yet because of God’s word, you hope against hope and trust in God’s love and promise in Christ. Take heart from Paul’s explanation to the Colossians of our salvation. Colossians 1:21-23 “And although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind, engaged in evil deeds, yet He has now reconciled you in His fleshly body through death, in order to present you before Him holy and blameless and beyond reproach—if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard.” If you have in hope against hope believed in Christ for your salvation, then God calls you to live to love with Jesus. That same hope with which you cling to Jesus is the same hope that spurs you to live to love with Him. Believe He can and will do in you what He promises to do—express His love for the glory of God. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.

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