Let the living waters flow!

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 8:20-21 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. The Day of our inheritance, when the glory of the children of God is revealed will have a cosmic impact. All creation will be set free from its slavery to corruption which we know occurred with the entrance of sin into the world. The Spirit indicated through Paul that although it was man who sinned and plunged the creation into slavery, it was God who determined that man’s sinfulness would have a cosmic impact. Paul told his readers why God subjected all creation to slavery to corruption. God did it so that hope would also reside in the material universe—a hope of freedom when the redemption of sons of God are revealed in glory. Beside the sins of man as sources of our suffering, some of the suffering that we endure on the earth also comes from the corruption of creation. Perhaps this refers to what insurance companies call “acts of God”: events outside of human control or activity, such as a natural disasters like earthquakes, storms, floods, and droughts. These things did not exist in the Garden of Eden. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, creation has suffered corruption. When Jesus came into creation, He was a reservoir of love placed into a dry and dark universe. When He breathed His last breath on the cross and the veil of the temple was torn into, the reservoir of God’s love was broken and a cosmic earthquake occurred which released a tsunami of love that has swept over and through the children of God. If you are a child of God, then you are a channel of His love, which is a testimony of hope, not only for all mankind, but for all creation. If men and women who were slaves of sin have been set free from sin and death to love in the Spirit of life in Christ, then the creation knows that redemption has begun. It will be completed by God and culminate in a final cosmic liberation when the sons of God are revealed in glory. Today, as we live to love with Jesus, we testify to the beginning redemptive act in creation. God has set us free from sin and death to live to Him through the Spirit of life in Christ. The evidence of His life is love. His love flowing through you is the continuing wave of God’s love spreading throughout the earth. You are a witness that the glory of the sons of God is imminent. So open the flood gates of your heart and let the living waters flow! Love fosters hope in our hearts as well as in all creation. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi. www.ericterlizzi.com

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