Live what you say you believe

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 3:1 Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession; The encouragement of verse one of chapter three is to everyone who knows they are going to be in the great congregation in heaven with Jesus when He proclaims God’s name and sings praises with them. God sent His Son, Jesus (by the way that’s what an apostle is—a messenger or one sent on a mission) to bring many sons to glory. Those sons are the brethren of whom Jesus is not ashamed. Of course, brethren is used generally to include the sisters also. We are looking at the third “therefore” after the author declared that Jesus is not ashamed to call us His brethren because we are all from the same father (2:10). The first two “therefores” explained how and why Jesus had to take on flesh so He could come to our aid as a merciful and faithful high priest. In today’s verse, in light of what he has said about Jesus, who we are, and the privilege we have in Christ, the author calls his readers to consider, look closely at, and contemplate this incredible reality that God, our creator and sustainer, has sent Jesus on a mission to stand in our place before God and bring us to Him through the sacrifice of His own body and blood. He’s going to expound on both of these offices of Jesus as apostle and high priest in the following verses. Today, I encourage you first to consider who you are—Jesus’ brother or sister in a family given to Him by God the Father. You are holy—meaning that you are one with Jesus and one with each other. You did nothing to make that happen. It was determined in heaven in eternity before creation. That’s why you live to love all of your brothers and sisters in Christ with Jesus. Second, I encourage you to consider the hope you have in Jesus. You are on a journey to glory, which culminates in heaven, where you will join with Jesus and the rest of the family praising God and singing with Him. The faith God has given you is evidence that you have been called to glory with Him. It’s your ticket into the event, so to speak. You know you have the ticket because you have His love flowing through you. That’s how faith works—through love. Third, I encourage you to consider what you believe, your confession regarding Jesus Christ. You have agreed with God that Jesus is the one He sent to save you (He’s the apostle). You believe He gives you access to God and that glorious hope (He’s your high priest). This faith in Christ should fill us with love for God today. May we live in the reality of what we say we believe.

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