Love for Jesus’ name is expressed by love for others

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 6:10. For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of God’s throne, according to Ps. 89:14. Psalms 33:5 tells us that the Lord “loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the Lord.” That’s why the Holy Spirit said that God will not forget the love shown toward His name by the love for the saints that has been expressed by those the author knows are ready to press on to maturity in Christ. The Lord loves righteousness, which is love expressed to others. He also loves justice. If God is just, which of course He is, He must punish those who do evil and reward those who do good. So if we are living to love with Jesus, let us first be encouraged that God will reward us in Christ, for our loving is because of the life of Christ dwelling within us. Surely, God will reward His Son and those of us who work and love with Him. Second, love for the name of the Lord is one of the “better things” that the author cites that accompanies salvation. When someone is saved, they have a desire to see God glorified in their lives. Concern for the name of Jesus underlies their daily words and actions. To love God is to love His name. In this verse, we learn two evidences of saving faith. It works to glorify the name of Jesus and works to minister to the saints. Third, we see that love for the name of Jesus is shown by ministering or loving our brothers and sisters in Christ. The people the author had in mind not only had at one time ministered to the saints, they were still doing it! It had become their lifestyle. So, not only love for the name of Jesus, but love for others is another “better thing” that accompanies salvation.  Do you see why I say that living to love with Jesus should be our purpose in life? It’s how we glorify the name of Jesus. We were created for God’s glory. If we love His glory, then we show our love toward His name by working and loving with Jesus. We glorify our God by living to love with Jesus. I suggest there is no higher purpose for life in this world than that. So my final encouragement today is that you adopt this purpose as an expression of your love for God and love for His name, expecting to be a partaker in the reward our Father gives to His Son. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed, just like those the author had in mind in this verse.

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