No charges will stick.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 8:33 Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies; In verses 33-35, Paul asked three questions to bolster His point that God is for us and in delivering His Son up for us, meant for us to live in hope and security. We might preface these questions with “If God is for us.” So today we are encouraged by this question and answer. “If God is for us, who will bring a charge against God’s elect?” Notice Paul doesn’t say, “No one.” Because we know Satan is the accuser of the brethren and constantly charges us with many true accusations. So our confidence isn’t in that there are no charges that can be brought against us. There are many! No, our confidence is in the fact that any charge brought against us will fall powerless before God. They won’t stick to us because they were stuck to Jesus. God justified us in His Son, whom He didn’t spare, but delivered up for us. He has given the righteousness of His Son to our accounts, so we stand before Him spotless, blameless, and without blemish. God, our judge, has declared us righteous, and there is no one who can charge us with anything that will change our right standing. So, who gets the glory for this? God does! Jesus Christ does! This liberates us to live to love with Jesus without fear. We know we aren’t going to love perfectly in this life, but we are loved perfectly by God. Knowing and experiencing His love is the fountain from which our love for God and others flows. Father in heaven, we love You! Thank You for loving us and justifying us through Jesus. We praise You and give You glory for freely giving us Your righteousness. Amen. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.

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