Pursue peace and edification

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 14:19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another. Today’s verse presents the conclusion to Paul’s encouragement to his readers about how to relate to one another when there’s a difference of opinion on disputable matters, issues where the Scriptures don’t give clear direction. Therefore, this verse is a perfect live to love scripture encouragement. Let’s read it again. “So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” We can draw two goals for our relationships in such circumstances. First, pursue whatever will make for peace. Imagine a lake, the surface of which is very still. There are no waves. If you throw a rock into the lake, it disturbs the surface of the water and creates a ripple. The Holy Spirit is telling us that we are to relate to one another in such a way that there is no disturbances in our relationship with Jesus on an issue where we differ. Sometimes this is obvious if we simply pay attention to another person’s countenance. Other times it’s not quite so obvious and we might need to ask questions to find out where the Lord has them on an issue. Then we can do all that we can to encourage them in what they believe is pleasing to the Lord. So first, we pursue peace as we live to love with Jesus. Second, we pursue whatever builds up our brother or sister in their faith, their relationship with Jesus. The word for build up is a compound word in the Greek. oikos which is home or house, and dome which is to build. The idea is that we are to do whatever we can to edify our brother. Paul wrote to the Ephesians. Ephesians 4:29 “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.” Remember that we believers are God’s household “in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit” (Eph. 2:21-22). So second, we pursue whatever edifies and builds up the faith of our brothers and sisters. Living to love with Jesus is pursuing peace and edification among our brothers and sisters in Christ. Think how this might apply to you and your spouse or you and your parents, if you are believers. These differences of opinion on these issues more often than not occur among family members. Think back over times when you have gotten in a debate or argument over some thing that hasn’t been specifically addressed in Scripture such as music, food, and entertainment preferences. Did you pursue peace and edification in those occasions? If not, it might be a good idea to repent today to them, just to plant these words deep in your heart. I hope we will also purpose going forward to take to heart Paul’s encouragement from this verse. Pursue peace and edification. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi. www.ericterlizzi.com

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