Satan crushed by the grace of Jesus who is with us.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 16:20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. What tremendous hope we discover today in Rom. 16:20. Let me remind us of a couple of verses. We are blessed by Rom. 5:1 where we learn that God has made peace with us through Jesus’ death and provided the grace of the Lord Jesus in which we stand. And by giving us His Spirit, we have His peace dwelling within us. In Rom. 8:31-39 we learn that God is for us and no one can separate us from His love in Christ. So God has taken on all of our enemies and made us more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. He has set us free from the law of sin and death which reigned in our fleshly bodies (Rom. 8:2). He has conquered death through His resurrection (Rom. 6:9-10). He has saved us from sin through His life (Rom. 5:10). Satan has been defeated and all of his weapons have been made powerless (Rom. 6:6). Therefore we are at peace with God and His love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. We live in His kingdom which consists of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). God is the God of peace! The only thing remaining for Him to do is to crush Satan under our feet by the grace of the Lord Jesus who is with us and in whom we stand before God. Paul promised the Romans that God will crush Satan under their feet. How does He do that? Through the grace of the Lord Jesus who is with us. As we walk in love with Jesus, God crushes Satan under our feet. Everywhere we walk in love, we walk on holy ground and Satan experiences our feet upon his head. He has no weapons that can succeed against us. He has no accusations to make that will separate us from the God of peace and love. The devil is defeated, and as we live to love with Jesus, he is crushed beneath our feet. Today, be encouraged. God will crush Satan beneath our feet as we live to love with Jesus by the grace of the Lord Jesus who is with us. Rejoice! Walk in victory! Walk in love for the glory of God.

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