Slaves of Christ or slaves of our own appetites

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 16:18 For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting. If you remember the context of Rom. 14-15 was how members of the body were to love one another when they had differences of opinion on food and drink. When someone considers their own likes and dislikes with regard to food and drink over the well-being of another, they show that they are slaves of their own appetites rather than slaves of our Lord Jesus Christ. If we are slaves of righteousness, slaves of Christ, then we do whatever is necessary to love those He loves. We lay down our lives for others as He laid down His life for us. Honoring Jesus as Lord of every member of His body was one of the ways we recognize Him as Lord. In keeping their eye out for those who cause dissension and hinder the unity of the body of Christ, he warned them to look out for flattery and smooth talking. For someone to ignore what Paul taught, they would have to present a contrary argument for why they can eat and drink as they please. They might appeal to people that God would want them to enjoy all things and they might advocate for a lifestyle of freedom in Christ to do whatever they like since they live under grace. Can you see the deception in such foolishness? The words may sound good, even appealing to the unsuspecting—enjoy what God has made, freedom in Christ. But such speech betrays the true character of the person. They are not loving others. They love themselves and their appetites. So our live to love encouragement today is a negative warning. It’s what loving with Christ doesn’t look like. It doesn’t look like living for our own appetites. Instead let us walk as slaves of our Lord Jesus Christ, and serve Him by loving one another and doing nothing to hinder our brothers or sisters from walking by faith to please the Lord.

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