The law is spiritual.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Romans 7:14 For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. So far we’ve learned from Paul that the law is holy, righteous, and good. In vs. 14, we learn that the law is spiritual. The law is spiritual in that it tests, reveals, or proves if the Spirit of God is at work in the individual. If the Holy Spirit is at work, then the person is enabled to love and does what is holy, righteous, and good. However, if the person isn’t relying on the Holy Spirit, and instead is trying to keep the law in the power of the flesh, then they will succumb to the power of sin. So the Law is spiritual. Paul wrote in 5:12-13, “through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned—for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.” In chapter 7, Paul had been teaching his readers that the Law aggravated sin, defined sin, and revealed the utter sinfulness of sin. He made this point by applying this reality to himself. Although he sinned when Adam sinned (5:12), he didn’t know he was in bondage to sin until the law “came” to him. By “the law came” Paul meant that once he became aware of the law, “You shall not covet.” it impressed its requirements upon his conscience. He became aware of what he should not do and what he should do. At once sin became alive, and it resulted in his death.That is the spiritual nature of the law. It revealed his spiritual condition in the present tense. He is of flesh, which he describes as being one sold into bondage to sin. A good definition of flesh is the natural man under the dominion of sin. All his natural faculties and abilities had been sold into bondage to sin when Adam and Eve made the first transaction with Satan and the Law. He didn’t know that until the Law came to do its work. This gives us insight into how to love those who have yet to believe in Jesus. They first need the spiritual work of the law in their hearts so they can see their true spiritual condition. The highest good of someone is to trust in and rely on Jesus for the glory of God. Sin has so enslaved us that we cannot see its power, presence, and affect without help. So in love, God gave the law. When we love with Jesus, He knows when the loving thing to do is to bring the law of God to bear upon the conscience. We can trust the Holy Spirit to use the law to help the person see their true spiritual state before God, namely, that they are of the flesh, in bondage to sin, and in need for a savior. Today, living to love with Jesus may involve telling someone about the law of God. The new commandment of God will accomplish the same ministry as the old commandment of the law. God requires them to believe that Jesus is God and to love as He has loved (1 John 3:23 “This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us”). It will reveal that they are of flesh and sold into bondage to sin. They can’t do what Jesus commanded without the power of the Holy Spirit, and they can’t get free from the condemnation of the commandment apart from the work of Jesus on the cross. We believe in Jesus and live to love because of the Holy Spirit, the indwelling life of Jesus Christ. He has worked in us by grace what He has commanded us to do. Enjoy His grace and love those He puts in your path. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.

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