Walk in God’s ways

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - Een podcast door Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 3:10 “Therefore I was angry with this generation, and said, ‘They always go astray in their heart, and they did not know My ways’” We can be encouraged today from this verse by learning from Israel’s bad example. They did not know God’s ways, so they went astray. God was angry with them because they did not believe God’s word to them. They wandered 40 years in the wilderness because they did not know God’s ways of giving them what He promised. After spying out the land, the report that it was a good land, but had walled cities and giants in the land scared and discouraged them. Only Joshua and Caleb believed God’s word and promise. Because Israel did not believe God, their hearts hardened and they refused to trust God to overcome their adversaries and the seemingly impossible obstacles to taking the land. They didn’t know God’s ways. It begs the question, “Do we know God’s ways?” Fortunately, we have much more revealed to us than the Israelites did when God brought them out of Egypt. We know what the Lord Jesus believes and thinks. He believes 1) There is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and He is love. 2) The love of the Father is enough for Him. The Father fills Jesus’ soul with His love. 3) God’s purpose in all things in Jesus’ life was and is to reveal the Father for His glory. With the faith and love that are in Jesus, we believe 1) There is only one God, the Father, from whom are all things, and He is love. 2) Jesus’ love is enough. He satisfies my soul when everything else in this world fails to satisfy. 3) God’s purpose in all things is to reveal the life of Jesus Christ in me and prepare me for eternity. If I don’t believe these three things, I will go astray in my heart. It’s impossible to live to love with Jesus if I don’t adopt His purpose for living, think like He thinks, and believe what He believes. So how are we to live when God has promised to subject all things to us and bring us to glory? What are we to think when the circumstances of life do not appear to be for our good and benefit? The author of Hebrews is leading us in God’s ways and encouraging us to believe the word of God regarding Jesus Christ and fix our eyes on Him. Every circumstance in life is an opportunity for us to love and trust God, to practice what we believe with Him. God is love. His way is love. His way is life in His Son, Jesus. His way is to glorify His name in and through His Son in and through every circumstance and relationship in our lives. This is the way of love. Walk in love.

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