All Roads Lead Back To CRISPR...
Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

WARNING: You may never eat a strawberry again after watching this video.Which, after you’ve watched it, you’ll realise ain’t necessarily a bad thing.Food has consistently been the most difficult subject on my channel since I started it because so many people are welded like girders to their ideas of what’s good and bad for us.Regular guest, Heather Holmes, again provides a mouth-dropping presentation which blows the lid off what’s going on our plates and into our stomachs.You are what you eat. Literally. And when you comprehend the depths of where they’ve gone in the attempt to gain Full Spectrum Dominance over the human species, you’ll feel sick. I’ve mentioned many times that Aspartame, for example, was originally developed as a chemical weapon in the 1960s. It is the feaces of genetically engineered E-Coli bacteria. It was “owned” by Donald Rumsfeld who probably killed more people with this than he did as Defence Secretary under George W Bush. And that’s saying something. Read the patent here:, guess who now owns GD Searle, the company that eventually got this poison into every soft drink, vitamin supplement and, well, everything in a packet? Yup. Pfizer.When we read headlines like “First Gene Edited Meat Will Come From Disease Proof CRISPR Pigs” (Source: it’s time to start paying attention.And, guess which bunch of Nazi-murdering-terrorists are promoting CRISPR as a good thing?Yup, your friendly neighbourhood WEF!Source:, when Heather Holmes speaks, I tend to listen (in between Dad jokes) and so should you.Her knowledge and experience with spore-based bacteria is world-leading, and so are her solutions.She has kindly offered a 20% discount off her probiotic products valid April 24 to May 8, 2024. Details here: NOTE: I have been forced to change my Stripe account which means ALL paid subscribers subscriptions have been cancelled! I will update you on this as soon as it has been resolved. Thank you) Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.