How Do We Cross The Bridge to the Golden Age? Follow the Yellow Brick Road?
Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

Whilst fighting the good fight, it's important to keep an eye on how we build the future we want which means conversations have to be had about how we are actually going to organise society once we are through the other side of this or, more importantly, whilst we are crossing the bridge to the other side. Capitalism and the Free Market have never actually existed in reality - these terms have been used to keep people on diametrically opposed rail-tracks to maintain the "divide and conquer" mindsets that make this open-air prison such an easy place to manage for the "elites". Ideas like the RV and Medbeds have been fantastic at keeping awake people stuck in the headlights like rabbits, unable to move until the saviour arrives over the horizon. We are the saviours we are looking for and we need to get off our arses and start doing something about things today, not tomorrow. We are still in a financial system so for ideas to work we have to sustain them within that system otherwise they will fall over. But how? And how do we start ventures that can get the spiritual and emotional momentum required to sustain themselves into a bright and equitable future? These questions are important and so are these conversations, which is why I invited on the co-founder of the Peoples Health Alliance and the Peoples Food and Farming Alliance, Katherine Macbean, and Holistic Business Visionary Paul Le Clere onto the show today. Join my email list to avoid censorship: Sovereign Mastery Course here: all my shows here: The PFFA: The PHA: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.