Is Donald Trump Going to Save the World?
Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

I actually believe that “we” are saving the world, and DJT is part of this whole process through our spiritual development but because Trump Derangement Syndrome is so nuts, I do enjoy throwing the cat among the pigeons occasionally.I originally posted the video above on the morning of March 7th 2024 on X and Telegram and, as predicted, the question or mere mention of Mr T’s name elicits a wide range of responses fromto……but I shared my Trump stories with you because that’s all any of us really have: our own stories.For me the past 4 years has been, like for most of us, the most incredible roller coaster ride of emotions, development, learning, fear, courage. It’s truly extraordinary to be alive right now, however challenging, as all of our perceptions of the world we thought we lived in get trashed and rewritten on a daily basis.Dodging The Biggest Bullet in HistoryI stand by the knowledge that we dodged the biggest bullet in history when the witch Clinton failed to win the Presidency in 2016. Most of us would already have been killed by 2018 if she’d won. She was supposed to finish off the 16-year plan which would have seen war with Iran, FEMA camps full in America and a lot of use of the guillotines which were pegged for use on NWO-resistors. This from an article in 2016: “Obama and Hillary Clinton have been planning a disarmament of the United States for 16 years. It is now in full force moving fast with the help of our young people.The two planned to use two White House terms to destroy the United States, maim the Constitution, cancel the Second Amendment, and open borders to flood the nation with illegal immigrants – calculated to vote Democrat.It is alleged that “Deep State” rogue operatives murdered Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in an attempt to lock in a Far Left ideology on the Supreme court by giving President Obama one final nomination.The plan included the weaponization of the intelligence community to ensure the Democrats would win the 2016 presidential election. We can see how the FBI became politically involved in understanding that was part of the plan.”Source: you search for this on most search engines, you’ll find the likes of Snopes debunking it (which tells you everything you need to know) but I’ve been researching this for over 15 years: Take a look at this ebook for more info: a classic case of Orwellian Double-Speak and a very rare case of CNN’s Rachel Maddow seeming to talk sense, watch the man who ordered $65,000 worth of pizza and hot dogs for a “private party” at the White House lay out just some of their chilling plans: Dig into Pizzagate, instigated by the leaking of John Podesta’s emails on Wikileaks, here: could go on about Pizzagate and the massive service Julian Assange did for humanity for weeks, but this post is about Donald Trump, so I’ll leave you to do your own digging. And, please remember, I post things to get you thinking not as someone who has all the answers: I don’t!As I stated in the video, I had an epiphany about DJT in 2016 whilst listening to him speak on a podcast. This changed a lot for me. Not everything, but a lot.I realised he was talking in “code”, something which was reinforced over the coming years by the Q drops, all of which you can read here: had been waking up since I left the RAF in 1989. This awakening accelerated in 1999, when the Canadian comedian Alan Park told me about “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (You can watch my interviews with Alan here: I highly recommend watching Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter’s take on the Protocols here:“Hoax or Truth? Anti-Semitic or not? Let’s find out through ancient documents, revealing the true identity of the Protocols and its author(s). They show us a future so chilling, so evil, this episode will send shivers down your spine.Their old words combined with everyday pictures will shock you to the core. Do we have time left before they reach their final goal: absolute world dominance and a One World Government, a New World Order in which their King - ‘the King of Kings’ – will be crowned on the throne of Zion (Jerusalem) to rule the world forever more?————————————————NAZIS = ZIONISTS = BOLSHEVIKS = MARXISTS = COMMUNISTS = PEDO>>>>>> KHAZARIAN SATANISTS-🔥 IMPORTANT NOTE:ZIONISTS ARE NOT JEWS,ZIONISTS ARE PEDOPHILE SATANISTS & PUR EVILISRAEL is HQ of PEDOPHILIA and ORGAN HARVESTINGISRAEL WAS FOUNDED AFTER WW2 1948 and HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL!!! IT`S all A SATANIC DECEPTION!!!”Things moved on a clip when my friend Geoff Campbell died in 9/11. His brother Matt was one of my best friends and I watched over his shoulder as he tried to find the truth about his brother’s murder, a quest that continues today after 23 years.You can watch my interviews and shows with Matt here:’s recent video with Clayton Morris of the excellent Redacted News has already garnered over 300k views on the heavily censored YouTube alone: You can help the Campbell family get justice for Geoff (and everyone else if they win this) here: and follow Matt here: is this background important to the question relating to Donald Trump?Because our opinions and knowings are always based upon the information and experiences we have consumed on our path to where we are.The reason I get so much grief on social media is not just because of the 77th Brigade, it’s also from people that have NO IDEA about any of this stuff so they can’t possibly comprehend where I am usually coming from.It’s also because people suffer from Confirmation Bias as well as Cognitive Dissonance.Source: is why video or articles about how Trump is “controlled opposition” or “part of the NWO Plan” or “a Zionist”, or “part of the Black Sun” or worse, get traction.Can I prove that he is NOT any of the above? No, I cannot.Trump’s role in what is going on in the world necessitates he is often ambiguous. If you believe we are in the middle of the biggest event in history, which I do, it involves:* The Art of War* External Help* Keeping the Enemy Guessing* Laying traps to catch minions* Technology beyond anything we could even comprehendAnd, as I state at the end of the video, if Donald Trump is not part of a military operation to save us from unimaginable evil, then we are kinda fucked, aren’t we?Who else in the world has his profile, his stature, his abilities, his resources, his track record?The ammo that usually gets thrown back at anyone that stands up for Trump usually involves, but it not limited to:* Operation Warpspeed* His proposals for Digital ID* His support of IsrealFour years ago, I had a very clear vision of a multi-dimensional chess board containing billions of pieces: each piece represented by every soul here and each piece being moved around as necessary to achieve the super-objective; an idea from the great Russian acting coach Stanislavski I first learned 30 years ago when I was running a theatre company in Manchester.Source: a nutshell, it means a character in a story will act in ways that seem opposite to their true aims because they know this will allow them to achieve their ultimate goal.Is this why Q said to get some popcorn and enjoy the movie?The fact is that the deeper one goes the more complicated it gets.Most of us only have our intuition left at this stage as we have long been in a post-fact world.The massive clamour for “intel” I have witnessed from people over the past 4 years has, to some extent, been comical if only for the ludicrous claims by some people claiming to be “truth-seekers”.I have long since stated multiple times that, in my opinion, the only intel you need is through your connection to your creator. I have also stated multiple times that YOU are the saviour you are looking for.Ultimately this whole period of history has been designed by you for you as you, like me, are a fractal of God.When I launched my poem video called “The Best is Yet to Come” in October 2020, I felt like I was putting my neck on the line as the Trump hatred was so visceral. As a very sensitive man, I have not found the negative comments that easy to deal with over the years, which is why the positive comments help so much to continue. One such comment on the original posting of that video (long since removed by FascistTube) said “You just raised the frequency Mark. Thank you”.I stand by the words in that video because I am an Apocoloptimist.I did not come her to Earth to lose this fight against evil, and neither did you.There is simply too much behind Q or Donald Trump which is impossible to ignore. I intend to go into more detail on this on my Substack in the future but there will come a point soon when we fully understand the regular Q quote “How how many coincidences before mathematically impossible?”I am fully aware of the fact that people I have long admired, like David Icke, believe and state publicly that Q is a psychological operation and that Trump is all part of the (negative) agenda.I understand where they are coming from because it can be very hard to believe that there are any good guys at the top of this madness we call Earth, but what if:* The Q Plan is real and been going on for much longer than any of us realise?* Trump really is a time-traveller? (Not that difficult to grasp when you look into the links between his Uncle John G Trump and Tesla, not forgetting the incredible books by Ingersoll Lockwood).* God has a plan. And it’s a good one.For me, it’s not about being “right”, it’s about our own personal journey through this time and it’s up to us to allow the Eagle and the Condor to fly in the air at the same time.As a final note to this article, I met John Perkins after he spoke at an event in Manchester hosted by the late Ian R Crane.After queuing to get a signed copy of his book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” he held my hand and stared into my eyes for what seemed like an age.It was a strange and powerful experience which has never left me.A few days later I received a copy of “The Teachings of Don Juan” by Carlos Castaneda anonymously in the post.Did John Perkins send me this book? I suspect so, but like the question about Donald Trump, I cannot prove it and there are no 3D answers to 5D questions.P.S. All my content has always been mostly free, but I’d appreciate you considering upgrading to a paid subscription on Substack (and leaving comments on my articles) if you think I’m worth it! Thanks!Important Links:Get on my email list to avoid censorship here: my film "Where You Attwood? Truth Across America" here:******Get the incredible Lifewave patches to stimulate your Stem Cells here: more info on the Lifewave business opportunity and help us spread the word about this amazing technology here:******Get the eBook on Crypto that could change your financial life very quickly indeed here:******Mark and Gary's Healing Centre in Ireland:******Get my book "God Wins" here:******All my show stuff here:******Bitchute:******Daily updates:My Telegram Channel: X/Twitter: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.