My Mum is Back on the Show, and she's no longer on 8 painkillers a day. How?

Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

I called my Mum the other night and she told me she was off all her painkillers and ALL medication with a 95% improvement in her levels of pain.All because of a strange half-ball full of magnets the lovely Rachel Russell had handed to me in Birmingham at the premiere of Where You Attwood? in December 2023.I have now met Rachel 3 times in person and I’m convinced she’s an actual Angel. She has taken the open-sourced information from the inventor of the Primer Cube technology, David LaPoint, and created a “Primer Cube Bowl” - it’s this bowl she sent to my Mum after hearing about how much pain she was in, just a few short weeks ago.The results are astonishing to say the least, so I wanted to get them both on to the show to help get the word out. As she says herself:“Do you have muscle aches, pains, sore tooth, ear ache, bad back, arthritis, shingles, nervous, broken bones to be healed quickly? Many people that have used the PrimerCube have reported amazing benefits from using the PrimerCube technology to assist with their healing.I personally take my PrimerCube Bowl everywhere I go and wouldn’t be without it. In my opinion it helps the communication between cells of anything living/organic. It can be used in your garden (electro culture/gardening) or a plant that needs a little boost.Cell communication is important as this is the regeneration of our cells to be of optimum health.I did a little video on 'HOW TO USE YOUR PRIMER CUBE BOWL':With no herxheimer reaction from all the tests done thus far, these magnetic arrays are absorbed by your body when the PrimerCube Bowl is against or near your body.The magnetic array seems to affect telomeres - age related issues such as Parkinson’s, Altzimers, Dementia. Telomeres are where your cells only have the capability of dividing so many times before their ‘end of life’. The magnetic array affects your telomeres providing amazing healing that we’re learning more about.Recent testing of these PCB’s (PrimerCube Bowls) have helped a friend's spine straighten after having MS. A friend’s early signs of dementia have disappeared. Animals equally love this and stay close to it for the amazing healing. You know it’s not just a placebo when animals gravitate towards it.”One of the best things about this PCB is that it aids good sleep and for true healing your body needs sleep. To get Rachel’s Bowl at a special price for subscribers to my show, go here: can also find out more about the technology on the Primer Cube website here:, build one yourself using the open source information here: stuff.P.S. All my content has always been mostly free, but I’d appreciate you considering upgrading to a paid subscription on Substack if you think I’m worth it! Thanks!Important Links:Get on my email list to avoid censorship here: my film "Where You Attwood? Truth Across America" here:******Get the incredible Lifewave patches to stimulate your Stem Cells here: more info on the Lifewave business opportunity here:******Get the eBook on Crypto that could change your financial life very quickly indeed here:******Mark and Gary's Healing Centre in Ireland:******Get my book "God Wins" here:******All my show stuff here:******My Bitchute channel:******Daily updates:My Telegram Channel: X/Twitter: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.

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