Seeing the Wood Beyond the Trees

Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

This video was promoted by the email I got from Marc Wilkinson after I met him at my recent talk in Edinburgh.This is the email, with Marc’s contact details should you wish to support his valiant efforts:“Dear Mark I was great to meet you last night. Safe journey home.Thanks a lot for such an inspiring evening. It was great to see a full house.I have ordered you two copies of Ed Dowd's book "CAUSE UNKOWN" to be delivered to your office. Could you please post the 2nd copy to whomever you think can make most use of it in Ireland.For some reason I was not able to order it via Amazon. I was able to via Blackwells Bookshop. Here's the link in case you want to share it with anyone in Ireland as I couldn't find it at any Irish bookshops online. was interesting to hear your views on the value of Hardcopy Books. My marketing experience has always been of the offline hardcopy variety.My key personal passion is to overcome censorship which cannot be fully achieved online. However, it can be achieved offline as everyone has a letterbox. This is the bit from last night's letter summarising my plan.EXCESS DEATHS – We have written to 650 MPs. Now, let’s write to the People.Together we have crowd funded £3800 (including my contribution) to post 650 copies of a 32-page version of Ed Dowd’s “CAUSE UNKNOWN” + a 4-page letter to our 650 MPs’ offices.My ambitious plan is to raise £180,000 to litho print half a million copies of the 32-page version of “CAUSE UNKNOWN” and to distribute these to The People rather than to The Politicians. This is of paramount importance as the efficacy of such will save lives in future.The first £18K raised will print 50K copies which will be distributed to every letterbox in Andrew Bridgen’s constituency (I have already told Andrew that I will go to North West Leicestershire for ten days to manage the distribution). The second £18K will print a copy for every letterbox in Edinburgh North. The subsequent £72K would print 200K copies for the rest of Edinburgh. Additional distribution plans include 100K for The Light Paper to distribute and posting a copy to the UK’s 50K GPs. This project will save people from premature death!My first ever tweet was the one launching my Crowd Funder for the MPs. Thanks to Matt Le Tissier, Clare Craig, Mark Steel re-tweeting it managed to get to 24,000 impressions within 24HRS. This is the tweet and YouTube version: are your initial thought on my plan?A) I want to initially raise £4400 to fund sending a copy to 200 movers operating in the Truth & Freedoms space so that they become fully aware of the value of the book in terms of the efficacy with which it conveys to anyone asleep very effectively.B) Next is to persuade 50 of these to donate £100 to £1000 first thing one Saturday morning. Followed by at around noon all retweeting my tweet with a quote saying "I have donated. This must be supported."As I mentioned this would be click bate par excellence as many followers would be nosy to check how much they had donated so would click on the Just Giving page.Look forward to hearing from you man.All the best, MarcMarc Wilkinson t/a People-to-People.comA Not-for-Profit-PersonE: [email protected]:”Resources:Marc’s Just Giving page is here: Dowd’s X is here:“Cause Unknown” on“Cause Unknown” on Amazon UK: All my content has always been mostly free, but I’d appreciate you considering upgrading to a paid subscription on Substack if you think I’m worth it! Thanks!Important Links:Get on my email list to avoid censorship here: my film "Where You Attwood? Truth Across America" here:******Get the incredible Lifewave patches to stimulate your Stem Cells here: more info on the Lifewave business opportunity and help us spread the word about this amazing technology here:******Get the eBook on Crypto that could change your financial life very quickly indeed here:******Mark and Gary's Healing Centre in Ireland:******Get my book "God Wins" here:******All my show stuff here:******Bitchute:******Daily updates:My Telegram Channel: X/Twitter: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.

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