The King's Demons?
Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

I honestly came to Portugal for a rest, but I always knew I could never completely “switch off”. How could I in the midst of the greatest time in all of human history?At least twenty UFOs on the first night here kinda told me everything I needed to know :-)So many things to pay attention to (if one chooses) and I do choose to pay attention to certain parts of the play being divulged before us. It’s too interesting not to pay attention to, isn’t it?Let’s take the unveiling of the King’s portrait this week. Could anything have been as meme-ready as this?What’s truly interesting to me is the massive rise in the use of the word “Satanic” across the internet.This has to be part of the Awakening.Nothing else makes sense to a man that grew up being told to love the Royal Family, who got a Queen’s commission in the RAF, who met Prince Phillip in a way he’ll never forget, who then went on to realise they, are or have been, indeed deeply involved in the Satanic cult that has infiltrated and run this world for many thousands of years now.But, I am entertained and educated by the discourses about the real meaning of this.As an Apocaloptimist, I am duty-bound to see this as part of the plan to wake humanity up from their slumber using the same techniques that were quietly deployed across all our lives to create the level of brainwashing required to get billions of people to consent to being injected with a bio-weapon.As I explain in the video above, and in most of my videos since I started this campaign in 2020, if I am wrong, then most of us are dead already.But we’re not.So, instead of going into the ins and outs of all the opinions flying around about the Elohim, about us being conspiracy nutters, and so on, I am running with my ex-girlfriend Claire Cognisence, who popped this bizarre and interesting thought into my head about the way the Matrix actually works, via the medium of my own life experiences and all I have consumed, in every sense of the word, since I got here in 1969.As I was posting the video about this, an obscure title from a well-known TV show popped into my head, courtesy of Claire.It was “The Kings Demons”. This was an episode of my once-beloved, now completely murdered, TV series called “Doctor Who”.It’s a story I remember well, despite not seeing it since 1983. The usual description found on this story goes like this:“The serial is set in an English castle in 1215. In the serial, the alien time traveller the Master (Anthony Ainley) uses the robot Kamelion to imitate King John of England as part of the Master's plot to have the real King John overthrown and thus prevent the signing of Magna Carta.”What I thought was striking were a couple of things - the King was “imitated” by a robot called “Kamelion”.I remember really liking the concept of Kamelion as a 13-year old, but the spelling of his name now strikes me differently to how it did then: Ka-me-lion.If you look up the ancient meanings (think Sanskipt, Lemurian, Egyptian) for the words Ka - me - lion, you could come to the conclusion that this meant Spirit - Future - Christ (do your own work on this, I looked up 100s of potential meanings). Warning, this stuff can get complicated:And, he was a shape-shifter used to impersonate the King of England to stop the signing of the Magna Carta.Hello? Think Mcfly, think!Is this the “sci-fi world” Clif High talks about becoming apparent? Is it another (for me, at least) case of fragments of the truth about this world being laid out before us in our own history here?I mean, Kamelion refers to the character of The Doctor in this story as his “demon”.Who else used the term “demon” in the very same way?Philip Pullman, author of His Dark Materials. A series of occult (IMO) books that interestingly never took off as the film series it was supposed to become.Just looking up a description of the failed franchise starter “The Golden Compass”, which is described online as:“Set in an alternate world where a person's soul is contained with a daemon, Lyra and her companion, Pantalaimon, set on a journey to the North to rescue her kidnapped friends and meet her uncle.”Sorry, Lyra? As in Lyran? As in Lion? As in the vision I had in 2022 of a Golden Lion, as in Aslam, as in Christ, as in Christ consciousness????And then you look at this clip from the film in which well documented Satanist Nicole Kidman utters the lines at 40 secs into this clip that could and probably did come right out of Aleister Crowley’s mouth himself “..that it would be best if we were free to do as we pleased”:Crowley famously promoted the idea of “Do as Thou Wilt”If you look on Google for this, there are multitudes of “explanations” for what he meant to divert you from the truth. The truth is ALWAYS right in front of you.More, as if you needed it, evidence to never trust Wikipedia for information, just as a reference point for mind-control.The film also starred the last man to play Jame Bond, Daniel Craig.As my regular viewers will know, it was my video linking Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, through to Jimmy Savile, Aleister Crowley, Philip Schofield, and John Dee (the original 007 - two-ball Cain, magician to Queen Elizabeth 1) that got my last YouTube channel instantly deleted with over 60k subscribers. That video is still on Rumble here: episode of Dr Who is also about the Devil (in this case, personified by the Doctor’s nemesis, The Master) using this fake King to Stop the signing of the Magna Carta, the forerunner for the most powerful document in history, the US Constitution - both of which are Universal Law being applied to this reality and being thwarted again and again. Until now.Also interesting to see what X’s new AI Grok has to say about the whole “King Charles demon” thing:When you understand how the technology is being used to un-brainwash people, this gets even more interesting.I have been on a show with Leilani Dowling, and she’s doing a lot to wake people up, so funny how Grok is using these touch points in the same way I saw how sub-editors dis it for centuries when I worked at the Daily Telegraph briefly.But that was in a different life. One where Doctor Who was still a renegade from the fourth dimension who stole a time machine and rebelled against his own power-mad people, instead of being a woke, diverse, gay, racist, man-hating, transvestite (demon) loving, disco-dancing, musical moron, pushing demonic agendas.If you don’t know what I’m talking about from the 3D cultural perspective, I’d love to introduce you to some of the best culture commentators on Earth right now on this subject to end with, whilst I hope my thoughts have got you to think about some of your own life experiences popping up to explain what’s going on today in this crazy timey-wimey way.If you think you’re a paid subscriber to this substack, please check because ALL paid subscriptions got deleted a few weeks ago - please think about joining me on the paid side to keep this work going? Thank you x Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.