The Most Controversial Subject Ever Discussed on my Show?

Mark Attwood's "Diary of a Conspiracy Theorist" Podcast (private feed for [email protected]) - Een podcast door Mark Attwood

In 2020 I had my friend Dale build me three no-grow garden beds so I could grow my own vegetables.I was not completely vegetarian, but not far off. In my life I have tried every diet from being vegan, to the blood-type diet, to fasting for 7 days at a time, and everything in between.Since I discharged myself from the ICU in Stockport General Hospital back in 2001 after a suspected heart attack, I have been on a constant open-minded journey towards real health and food has obviously played a huge part in that.In 2021 I ventured on a trip to England after the lockdowns to meet up with four of the authors of “the Red Pill Revolution” - an excellent soft-wake-up book (I gave a copy to my Mum, even though I’ve been telling her what’s really going on in the world for 20+ years!). Get it here: excitement behind my trip to meet four awake English gents was compounded by the fact that one of them was Ben Hunt.Ben and I had known each other since meeting at an internet marketing conference in 2009. We had a lot in common and built a solid friendship until he defriended me on Facebook in 2016 for my views about the world. He said it was “just too much”, or something along those lines.Having also been defriended by many others during the Trump/Brexit year, including my own brother, for similar reasons, I was not completely heartbroken by this event. I was obsessed with the New World Order and all the associated satanic shenanigans back then. Losing friends and family was just part of the journey towards COVID, even though I didn’t fully realise that at the time.So, I was intrigued to say the least to find out the calibre of men who had managed to wake Ben up where I had failed.We had a rollicking weekend in the Lake District, one of my all-time favourite parts of the world.I discovered that Jeremy Ayres was an amazing healer and that Phil Escott had also saved his own life through the carnivore diet. He had written “Arthritis: The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me” which chronicles his own journey from being a vegan hippie riddled with arthritis at the age of 50, to being a fully-functioning human being via the magic of eating only fatty, ruminant meat. Get the book here: information tested me greatly. I was heavily leaning into veganism at the time. My own spiritual development was making it increasingly hard for me to justify the death of our beautiful animals for our own fortification but I remain stubbornly open-minded and I was starting to experience the symptoms of carpel tunnel syndrome at the time.Because of the discomfort of my increasingly numb thumbs, I decided to test this meat-only diet myself.Within days my thumbs had healed. I talk about this in more detail in the video above, but it was nothing less than miraculous to me and it opened my mind further…I’d been living in Ireland full-time since 2017. In the agricultural West of Ireland, to be precise. In a town where being stuck behind a tractor is part of an average day.I had already been told by one local farmer that he was paid more not to farm by the EU than to farm, and I was becoming increasingly aware of billboards like this one shown in an article in the Irish Independent popping up and guilt-tripping everyone into not eating meat: (source:’d also become aware of the Save Leitrim campaign which was highlighting the way that farmers were being ousted from land that had been in their families for generations in exchange for cash and the plantation of sitka spruce trees on a mass scale - trees which are destroying the farming land and communities, and passing control of this land to international corporations. (Source: was clear to me before COVID that the Irish farmers and the Irish way of life was under attack but it was so insidious it was hard for anyone to connect the dots and see the bigger picture, something that COVID, the mass forced immigration of Ireland and ridiculous “laws” being proposed and passed by the WEF clowns in the Dáil Éireann are now starting to do.Knowing what I know about the satanic plans to destroy the majority of humanity and keep the remaining 500 million as automatons via the trans-humanist agenda, it quickly became apparent to me that “Veganism” (not vegans themselves) is a satanic agenda i.e. using our innate love for animals to guilt-trip us into eating vegetables only was actually part of the plan to weaken and destroy the human race.They had told us their plans in granite via the erection of the now-destroyed Georgia Guidestones, which were erected in 1980.“The Georgia Guidestones is a mysterious monument on which are carved ten “commandments” for a “New Age of Reason”. The first commandment? Maintaining the world population under 500 million people. Another sinister fact: the authors of what we now call the American Stonehenge are still a “mystery”… except for those in the know.”Source: fact that I have said this consistently since 2022 has gotten me more attacks than anything else I have talked about on my show. You would have thought that talking about the fact that 22,000 children have gone missing every single day for at least the past 80 years to feed the global satanic demand for adrenochrome would generate a bigger response than questioning the vegan narrative, wouldn’t you?But, no. Saying this lost me 1000s of subscribers, and got me emails like this to deal with:I am only interested in the truth, wherever it leads me.I never started all this to be popular, famous, or to make money (although it does cost money to do this, something that seems to elude the minds of some people) and saying things as you see them does carry the cost of dealing with massive energetic, spiritual, psychic and demonic attacks. All of which I know temper us like steel.The balance to the attacks are emails like this one from Signe Fjord from 24th August 2023:It is also edifying to see Ben now chronicling his own journey on substack here: However challenging the idea of being carnivore may be to you, I urge you to take Ben and Phil’s challenge here: are men of the highest integrity and I know from experience that they over-deliver in bucketloads. What do you have to lose?I value Phil’s endorsement of Cerule and have ordered some for myself. If you feel inclined, you can get some here: I also intend to get to their live event in the UK if I possibly can. Details are on this page: All my content has always been mostly free, but I’d appreciate you considering upgrading to a paid subscription on Substack if you think I’m worth it! Thanks!Important Links:Get on my email list to avoid censorship here: my film "Where You Attwood? Truth Across America" here:******Get the incredible Lifewave patches to stimulate your Stem Cells here: more info on the Lifewave business opportunity here:******Get the eBook on Crypto that could change your financial life very quickly indeed here:******Mark and Gary's Healing Centre in Ireland:******Get my book "God Wins" here:******All my show stuff here:******Bitchute:******Daily updates:My Telegram Channel: X/Twitter: Thank you for subscribing. Leave a comment or share this episode.

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