#7: Chana Studley - De Tre Principper. Noget om traumer, smerter, krig, kærlige beskeder, indsigter og håb.

Mit Liv Som 3P'er - Een podcast door MiaKorsholm - Woensdagen

Velkommen til denne episode af Mit Liv Som 3P’er. I denne episode har jeg besøg af Chana Studley. Chana er et fantastisk inspirerende menneske, der har, vil jeg påstå, oplevet mere end de fleste. Hun har oplevet flere traumer og har haft en liv, hvor hun har boet flere steder i hele verdenen. Og lige nu, bor hun i Jerusalem, i en krigszone. Chana er forfatter til tre, snart fire bøger. Hun arbejder som 3P coach og er særligt specialiseret i smertecoaching. I samtalen fortæller Chana om den kæmpe styrke det er for hende, at have mødt forståelsen De Tre Principper, med de vilkår hun lige nu har, i en krigszone. Vi taler om smerter, kærlige kropslige beskeder, indsigter og håb. Hun deler med os de opdagelser hun har gjort sig i sit arbejde med kroniske smerter og sammenhængen med vores tanker. Chana fortæller om den fjerde bog hun lige nu arbejder på, som handler om diagnoser og forståelsen De Tre Principper. Du kan læse mere om Chana her: chanastudley.com God lyttelyst! Kærligst, Mia ---- Welcome to this episode of "My Life As A 3P'er." In this episode, I have the pleasure of hosting Chana Studley. Chana is an incredibly inspiring individual who, I would argue, has experienced more than most. She has faced multiple traumas and has lived a life where she has resided in various places around the world. And right now, she resides in Jerusalem, in a war zone. Chana is the author of three, soon to be four, books. She works as a 3P coach and specializes particularly in pain coaching. In the conversation, Chana talks about the tremendous strength she gains from understanding the Three Principles, given the conditions she currently faces in a war zone. We discuss pain, loving bodily messages, insights, and hope. She shares with us the discoveries she has made in her work with chronic pain and the connection with our thoughts. Chana talks about the fourth book she is currently working on, which revolves around diagnoses and the understanding of the Three Principles. You can learn more about Chana here: chanastudley.com Happy listening! With love, Mia

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