113. How a Single Color Powers Cleveland's Top Female Design Studio

Everybody has an opinion about chartreuse. Try this: mention the color to the next person you talk to -- we bet they'll tell you precisely how they feel about it and give you a detailed backstory why they feel that way. Somehow everybody has a chartreuse story. “Great branding and design strategy makes someone want to do something. It makes movement." That's how Charity D'Amato-Crawford described her creative philosophy to us when she stopped by the Mompreneur Co Studio this week. Her design studio, Studio Chartreuse, is proof of that philosophy in action. She's been keeping people in Cleveland talking about chartreuse for 20 years. Charity sat down with us for an hour to chat about those 20 years she’s spent running her design studio and refining her principles for her creative services. She talked to us about the behind-the-scenes for making some of the most creative brands and designs in Cleveland, the crazy coincidence the happened the day she told the team she was pregnant, and — of course — the chartreuse story. SHOW NOTES Learn more about Charity & Studio Chartreuse: Studio Chartreuse Website Start sparking more conversations about your business -- work with Charity! Follow Studio Chartreuse on IG: @studio_chartreuse SUBSCRIBE + REVIEW SO YOU DON’T MISS A THING Apple Spotify Follow us on Instagram: @mompreneur_co Check out our Podcast Studio for Mompreneurs Book a Studio Tour Learn about our Mom Podcasting Retreats Join the Mompreneur Directory

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Hey fellow Mompreneur- Megan Moran here! Host of the Mompreneur Guide Podcast, Founder of Mompreneur Co. Podcast Studio in Chagrin Falls, OH, Author, Platform Creator, and Mom of course!Just like you I'm on a mission to live both a present and productive life. To be around for all the moments with my kids while also following my dreams and passions. Join me each week as I uncover a new tip or trick that will help you live your life just as you want… and with as much ease as possible. Because giving mompreneurs the tools and space to help them live the present + productive lifestyle they crave is what we're all about... And as a third generation mompreneur- I’m is proof that it’s possible.