116. The Gifts of Gift-Giving with Bethany First

Professional gift-wrapper and gift-giver extraordinaire Bethany First is in studio today, sharing everything you never knew you needed to know about gifts! We’re talking gifts for all kinds of occasions and all kinds of people; friends, family, clients, or anyone else who makes an impact in our lives. She shares her creative process for gift selection, wrapping, and making the unwrapping an event and experience in and of itself. We also go deep below the surface-level “here, I got this for you” to uncover what a gift really means when it comes to connecting, communicating, and building relationships with the people we care about. Plus she tells us the path that brought her to start Revere Gift-Wrapping & Paperie and what she’s done to help it take off, plus the story of the most meaningful gift she’s ever helped someone give. SHOW NOTES Learn more about Bethany & Revere: Bethany's Website Tap into Bethany's immaculate sense of taste and personal touch for finding and/or wrapping your next extra-special gift: tell her what you're looking for here! Follow Bethany on IG: @reverecle

Om Podcasten

Hey fellow Mompreneur- Megan Moran here! Host of the Mompreneur Guide Podcast, Founder of Mompreneur Co. Podcast Studio in Chagrin Falls, OH, Author, Platform Creator, and Mom of course!Just like you I'm on a mission to live both a present and productive life. To be around for all the moments with my kids while also following my dreams and passions. Join me each week as I uncover a new tip or trick that will help you live your life just as you want… and with as much ease as possible. Because giving mompreneurs the tools and space to help them live the present + productive lifestyle they crave is what we're all about... And as a third generation mompreneur- I’m is proof that it’s possible.