122. Being social sans the pressures of alcohol with Molly Cheraso

Our friend Molly stops by for a chat about how she founded the first non-alcoholic bar in the city of Cleveland. We talk about why we love the atmosphere of the workspace-cafe-meets-neighborhood-bar, plus we get into how we’re relaxing and being social sans the dated pressures of alcohol. Molly also shares a kismet story from her pre-shop days that gave us the chills! She had seen this type of spirit-free gathering space in New York City -- was there a market for it in Cleveland? Yes, she discovered. And the moment she knew she needed a space for the shop — the space found her. We talk so much more about life as mom founders as well: Our meditation and groundedness practices that get us into ~flow~ What it felt like to receive and answer the call to be in business for ourselves The normal conversations we get to have with our kids that weren’t always so normal for us growing up SHOW NOTES Learn more about Molly & Verbena Free Spirited Shoppe: Verbena's food and drink menus (one for the day, one for the night) Directions to the shop Follow Molly on IG: @verbenafreespirited SUBSCRIBE + REVIEW SO YOU DON’T MISS A THING Apple Spotify Follow us on Instagram: @mompreneur_co Check out our Podcast Studio for Mompreneurs Book a Studio Tour Learn about our Events for Mom Founders Join the Mompreneur Directory

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Hey fellow Mompreneur- Megan Moran here! Host of the Mompreneur Guide Podcast, Founder of Mompreneur Co. Podcast Studio in Chagrin Falls, OH, Author, Platform Creator, and Mom of course!Just like you I'm on a mission to live both a present and productive life. To be around for all the moments with my kids while also following my dreams and passions. Join me each week as I uncover a new tip or trick that will help you live your life just as you want… and with as much ease as possible. Because giving mompreneurs the tools and space to help them live the present + productive lifestyle they crave is what we're all about... And as a third generation mompreneur- I’m is proof that it’s possible.