TV Spec Script 101 (PT34)

Paper Team - Een podcast door Alex Freedman & Nick Watson


Alex and Nick discuss the ins-and-outs of writing a TV spec script of an existing show.

How do you pick the show? Why is researching the series beforehand important? How do you brainstorm ideas for specs? What are some dos and don'ts to break the mold?

The Paper Team picks their spec...


1 - What makes a TV spec, a TV spec (00:29)
2 - Writing the TV spec script (08:15)
Takeaways and Resources (25:39)

TV Spec Script List
TV Spec Test
TV Writing Fellowships: The Bix Six

Ten Spec Writing Rules (and why you should care)
WGA Library

Special thanks to Alex Switzky for helping us edit this episode.

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You can find Paper Team on Twitter:
Alex - @TVCalling
Nick - @_njwatson
If you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can e-mail us: [email protected]

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