Do you know how your neighbors treat stray cats? An award-winning Japanese film director says it mirrors your community - 野良猫を通して見える人間社会、「五香宮の猫」想田和弘監督

SBS Japanese - SBSの日本語放送 - Een podcast door SBS

This year's Sydney Film Festival opens on this Wednesday. One of the films selected for the festival is a Japanese documentary titled 'The Cats of Gokogu Shrine.' Let's ask the director of the film, an award-winning Japanese director Kazuhiro Soda, about the film and his unique filming style, utilizing the art of observation. - 今週から始まるシドニー映画祭(Sydney Film Festival)。その上映作の1つ、ドキュメンタリー映画「五香宮の猫(ごこうぐうのねこ、The Cats of Gokogu Shrine)」の想田和弘監督に聞きました。