Episode 84: Forty Facts about the "Star Wars Sequel" by Leigh Brackett

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he Bombadcast is brought to you by the Beyond The Blast Doors Network. This is your daily stop for NEW Star Wars content every day, including News, Interviews, Reviews, Collecting, Visual Effects, and Topical Star Wars Discussions!   https://www.beyondtheblastdoors.com/   Discuss how it’s interesting to think this was before anything besides ANH was established in Star wars    Its not a terrible sequel, but its no way compared to empire.    Talk about this interesting script Talk about Leigh’s involvement, turned in the final draft, died a month later 10 day writing retreat with GL to workout the bigger ideas  Bring up it’s origins before Kasdan, doesn’t read like a Kasdan movie  Shout out to Blast Points Podcast & Force Material Podcast for helping me with research Explain how I determined which facts I wanted to discuss & keep in mind I love parallels / especially when they feel like Prequels or TLJ  Most of these facts will be in order of reading the script    Hold larger discussion of the Podcast  The Rebel base at the beginning it best described as an ICE CASTLE & Luke / Han are riding snow lizards   Reference to God in regards to the FROZEN PLANE “Nobody’s likely to find us in this forsaken hole. I doubt if even God remembers where He hung this star”   Commander Willard i& General Dodonna make an appearance in the FROZEN PLANETs war room.     We kind of get an explanation on the galaxy, who is pro rebellion & who is for the Empire using a star map. This is all following the Death Stars Destruction   Han has a very successful step father / mentor, which I hate because it makes Han look like a privileged kid that just wants to be bad. Ovan Marekal is the most powerful man in the galaxy next to Emperor & Darth Vader. He is in control of the (PREQUEL AF) Transport Guild   There is a scary hallway scene where Artoo is chirping about something down a dark hallway, white on white, feels like a horror film. This moment later builds to a horror scene where the main conflict on this Frozen Planet / there is an empire invasion, but nothing like we get in the actual movie. THis snow monster moments feels an awful like BF2 (2005) Hoth Wampa game setting. We get some Luke saber action throughout this moment too. There is a moment where the snow beasts break pipe and freeze people to death instantly. This whole scene is pretty wild in terms of Star Wars, hyper violent.   Threepio finds a strange crystal that pops out of Luke’s lightsaber when he mishandles it. This crystal is a special map that leads Luke to a bogg planet where Luke’s father was trained.    Ton Muund is the Coruscant of this script. Vader also says this exact line referring to finding the hidden rebel base as he interrogates an alien on its location. “The coordinates, man. The coordinates!” Vader also doesn’t kill this alien when he is done with the interrogation. “Give it whatever it’s heart desires, if it has a heart…” but he

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