#13 Liars, Underwear & The Power of the Prison Canteen

Welcome to The Deetails! In this episode Teddy talks about what the female wardens are like and how they treat people. There was also a discussion on liars in prison, and how we sleuth to sort of uncover the truth WITHOUT google. The discussion of the prison canteen comes back again + more stories about the interesting people I met in prison.  All that and more on The Deetails! Join me and my two anonymous guests as we trade tales, share experiences and be unapologetically human. Conversations that make you think, laugh and a spark of life, all in The Deetails.  If you'd like to work together or want to be an anonymous guest, find me on :  https://www.instagram.com/thedeekosh/ [email protected]

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The greatest stories are all about in the deetails