77 - You're Tied to Things That Don't Exist

We’re scared about things that are not. We’re tied to things that don’t exist. They’re illusions. They’re falsehoods. They’re beliefs; they’re not realities. The agonies we go through over things that we have—we have convinced ourselves that our happiness depends upon them, but it doesn’t.

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There is a loving force surrounding you at all times that is within your grasp, that would make your life meaningful and beautiful and rich, if you could only discover it, But tragically, most people never find their way to it, even though its right there in their midst. What do you need to do to find this richer, happier experience of life? Anthony DeMello has a big surprise for you. You don’t have to do anything. Happiness is your natural state. You don’t have to do anything to acquire it because you have it already. This richer life is the consequence not of something done, but of something dropped. You'll find out what that is in these podcasts. It could not be simpler.