"And He Causes All" - Prophecy Of New York Tech, The Mark Of The Beast and "Forced Vaccines"

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Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: “And he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads: that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Rev 13:16- 17) #1: Coming technology and how it will be used very differently than we're being told. 'Separate and not equal' is how the Excelsior Pass of NYC will be, as the Lord reveals it to be a forerunner to the mark of the Beast. Revelations of how uniquely God created us, He "wrote the book" of us and wrapped it in DNA. Learn the power of DNA and why there is an ongoing attack against our bodies by the workers of darkness. THERE IS A PUSH TO ALTER HUMAN DNA, DO NOT BE DECEIVED. God says all who take the mark of the Beast (when it finally does come) will be marked by Him and shall never see the doors of Heaven. Let us be sober in these times and pay attention to the loving warnings of the Lord Jesus Christ. #2: Dream where the world was forced to take vaccines, there was a great struggle against it but an unseen and great global power prevailed against the people of this world and they lost their battle of refusal. "And he causes all" said the Lord to me, "and he causes all." Full prophecy can be seen on the blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/04/01/and-he-causes-all-april-1-2021/ Related Prophecies: [PLEASE MAKE TIME TO WATCH/ READ] THE NOISOME PESTILENCE (Prophecy of a disgusting sore for all who takes the mark): https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/12/21/the-noisome-pestilence-december-20-2020/ FORCED VACCINES (Prophecy of powerful global pressure forcing people to take vaccines): https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/12/30/forced-vaccines-aliens-april-11-2020/ VACCINE RELATED PROPHECIES, PLEASE SEARCH BLOG AND YT CHANNEL FOR THESE: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/12/29/survival-of-the-fittest-december-22-23-2020/ THE DOGS: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/02/11/5982/ THE FIG, THE SEEDS, & THE VACCINES: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/03/06/the-fig-the-seeds-and-the-vaccines-march-6-2021/ DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINES: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/10/27/10696/ VACCINES, AUSTRALIA & NZ- THE DANGERS OF IDOLATRY: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/11/06/scorched-earth-australia-new-zealand-nov-6-2021/ VACCINES, DEMONS, DOMESTIC TERRORISM & MORE: https://rumble.com/voxc6l THE VACCINATION BOOTHS: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/15/the-vaccination-booths-december-25-2020/ VACCINE PLAYLISTS: https://bitchute.com/playlist/S32BtWJZwJNm/ https://brighteon.com/watch/0ebcad61-4eab-4b89-9aba-7b1c1b22dba8?index=1 HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at [email protected]. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- [email protected] SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/@themastersvoiceprophecyblog YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/c/themastersvoice BRIGHTEON: https://brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice BITCHUTE: https://bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice

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